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All my cheatsheets app

I usually have problems to remember common aliases or keybindings, so for learn React and new frontend libraries like Tailwind I decided to create my ideal cheatsheet apps.

You can see my developer route in the new Project Boards of Github and Live App in .

How is the content received?

All the content is in src/documents directory.

  • First, the app list all files in that directory and get the content.
  • Second, the content is parse depending on the "cheat_type" property. Now, we have "Alias" and "Keybinding" types.

How can I add new aliases or keybindings?

You can add new files in the src/documents with a new Pull Request or edit the existing files.

The structure of these files is:

  "cheat_type": "alias|keybinding",
  "name": "Name of the alias",
  "description": "Description of the alias",
  "items": []

Let's see:

  • "cheat_type": alias or keybinding. For now, onlye theses two types are supported. If the type is not supported, the file will be ignored.
  • "name": Name of the cheatsheet. This name will be used in the menu.
  • "description": Description of the cheatsheet. For now, this description is not used.
  • "items": List of items. Each item is another array with elements depending on the "cheat_type".

And now let's see how the items are formed:


		"alias": "alias command",
		"command": "command 'aliased'",
		"explain": "Explanation of the alias",
		"link": "Link to the documentation of the alias or the command"


		"alias": "gapt",
		"command": "git apply --3way",
		"explain": "Intenta aplicar un parche a tres bandas",
		"link": ""


		"context": "Where is used the keybinding",
		"key": "The combination of keys",
		"command": "Command executed in the application",
		"when": "When the keybinding is used (acording to the aplication documentation)",
		"name": "Name of the keybinding",


        "context": "Editor",
        "key": "Ctrl+V",
        "command": "editor.action.clipboardPasteAction",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly",
        "name": "Paste"