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Technical Requirements

Peter Adams edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 13 revisions

Server Operating System

OWA should run fine under both UNIX and most Windows operating systems. However, more extensive testing has been done on UNIX operating systems.

Web Server

Apache HTTP Server 2.x is supported. OWA can run under nginix, however you may need to convert the rules contained in OWA's .htaccess file into nginx location config rules.


PHP 7.2 or later is supported. OWA v1.7.3 requires a minimum of PHP 7.2.

Required php.ini Directives

Certain PHP configuration settings create problems for OWA installations. The following is a list of INI settings that should be avoided:

  • safe mode directive must be set to off.

Required PHP Extensions

  • mysqli for database access.


  • MySQL 4.1 or later is supported. OWA should run fine under any MySQL compatible storage engine such as Maria DB or AWS Aurora.

At this time, OWA requires that MySQL's strict mode be disabled.

Web Browsers

All modern web browsers are supported. This includes Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Development Requirements

The following requirements are only necessary if you plan to checkout and install OWA from Github.


OWA uses Composer to manage package dependancies.

npm / webpack

Node package manager (npm) and the webpack package (>5.0.0) is used to package OWA's JavaScript libraries.