Elaina is a personal voice assitant bot with an avatar. It has functions to help people in their daily lives.
- Operating System : Windows 10 64 bit
- Network Socket : TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
- Language : C#, Python
- Model Algorith : Deep Learning
- Voice : Naver CLOVA Voice
- Voice Recognition : Google Voice Search
- Engine : Unity
- Model : Live2d Cubism
- Environment : python 3.7 Anaconda 4.8
Google supports Speech-To-Text for everyone. Therefore, it can read out the voice and transform it to a text. and that text will be sent to speak function. With the support from Naver Clova Premium Voice product it is able to read out the texts that are being generated.
def speak(audio_string):
encText = urllib.parse.quote(audio_string)
data = "speaker=nbora&volume=0&speed=0&pitch=1&format=mp3&text=" + encText
url = "https://naveropenapi.apigw.ntruss.com/tts-premium/v1/tts"
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
request.add_header("X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-ID", client_id)
request.add_header("X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY", client_secret)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data=data.encode('UTF-8'))
rescode = response.getcode()
if(rescode == 200):
response_body = response.read()
with open('1111.mp3', 'wb') as f:
print("Error Code:" + rescode)
more infomration about this API can be explained in here https://api.ncloud-docs.com/docs/en/ai-naver-clovavoice-ttspremium
- File generate, add_content, type
⚠️ - searching through google
⚠️ - playing music ❌
- alarm ❌
- schedule ❌
- remote control (ex : Air conditioning, television, curtains) ❌
- time, date, weather ❌
- message response ❌
✔️ : fully operating
There will be further updates on the fucntion.