WebAPP to share, exchange and analyze secrets, keys, certificates and code in a secure way.
- Frontend: 100 % javascript free, small, fast
- Backend: 100 % pure go code, no cgo, no db, minimal external dependencies, secure storage
- No legacy TLS downgrade support
- mutualTLS authentication (optional) removes large area of the golang application & tls stack attac surface
- No disk access at all, everything is compressed and encrypted in-memory (ram)
- No accesslogs, no db, total stateless server
- No server side decryption key storage or knowledege at all
- Any type fs storage is pure optional
- Chroots, drops privs, small resource footprint
- Minimlal startpage less than < 3kb, all UX elements embedded
- BUILD TIME CONFIGURATION ONLY! Type safe configuration only!
- No unsafe runtime config files, commandline options or file parser!
- Details configuration: see server.go
- Example configuration: see APP/npad/main.go
- Yes, its an quick hack,
- No pre-build release binaries, build-time-configuration-only!
Yes, Please! PRs Welcome!