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Single Cycle MIPS CPU

This project is a detailed implementation of a Single Cycle MIPS CPU in Verilog. It supports a subset of the MIPS instruction set, specifically designed to demonstrate the fundamental concepts of microprocessor architecture and instruction execution in a single cycle model.

Supported Instructions

The CPU supports the following instructions:

  • add: Adds two registers and stores the result in a destination register.
  • sub: Subtracts the second register from the first and stores the result in a destination register.
  • lw: Loads a word from memory into a register.
  • sw: Stores a word from a register into memory.
  • beq: Branches to an instruction if two registers are equal.
  • j: Jumps to a specified instruction address.

Data Path

The data path of the CPU is illustrated in the following diagram:

CPU Data Path

Instruction Analysis

003E1820    add R3, R1, R30
AC810004    sw R1, 4(R4)
8C240008    lw R4, 8(R1)
10210001    beq R1, R1, +1  // Branch taken
000FB820    add R23, R0, R15 // skipped due to branch taken
00E17822    sub R15, R7, R1
08000004    j +4 // jumps back to 000FB820

The above instructions are stored in instructions_2.txt.

Note: The jump instruction 08000004 j +4 requires a closer look to explain the correct jump address calculation. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

In MIPS assembly, the j instruction format is:

j target

Where target is a 26-bit address.

The jump address calculation is done as follows:

  1. Take the 26-bit target address.
  2. Shift it left by 2 bits to get the byte address (since MIPS addresses are word-aligned).
  3. Combine it with the upper 4 bits of the current PC + 4 to form the final 32-bit address.

Given the instruction 08000004, let’s decode it:

  • 08000004 in binary is 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100.
  • The target address is the lower 26 bits: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 00.

Shifting this left by 2 bits gives us 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00.

The upper 4 bits of the PC + 4 (which is 0x0000001C for this instruction):

  • The PC at the time of executing 08000004 is 0x00000018.
  • PC + 4 is 0x0000001C.
  • The upper 4 bits of 0x0000001C are 0000.

Combining these gives the final address:

  • 0000 (upper 4 bits of PC + 4) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 00 (shifted target address) = 0x00000010.

Therefore, 08000004 jumps to the address 0x00000010, not 0x00000018.



The add instruction performs an addition of two registers and stores the result in a destination register. It is an R-type instruction.


Machine code Instruction
003E1820 add R3, R1, R30


Opcode rs rt rd shamt funct
000000 00001 11110 00011 00000 100000


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for R-type instructions is always 000000.
  2. Source Register 1 (rs) (5 bits): This is the first source register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  3. Source Register 2 (rt) (5 bits): This is the second source register. For R30, the binary representation is 11110.
  4. Destination Register (rd) (5 bits): This is the destination register. For R3, the binary representation is 00011.
  5. Shift Amount (shamt) (5 bits): This is the shift amount for shift instructions. For add, it is always 00000.
  6. Function Code (funct) (6 bits): This specifies the exact operation. For add, the function code is 100000.

MIPS ADD Instruction Example


The sw (store word) instruction stores a word from a register into memory. It is an I-type instruction.


Machine code Instruction
AC810004 sw R1, 4(R4)
Opcode rs rt Offset
101011 00100 00001 0000000000000100


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for sw instructions is 101011.
  2. Base Register (rs) (5 bits): This is the base register. For R4, the binary representation is 00100.
  3. Source Register (rt) (5 bits): This is the source register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  4. Offset (16 bits): This is the offset value. For 4, the binary representation is 0000000000000100.

MIPS SW Instruction Example


The lw (load word) instruction loads a word from memory into a register. It is an I-type instruction.


Instruction lw R4, 8(R1)
Machine Code 8C240008


Opcode rs rt Offset
100011 00001 00100 0000000000001000


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for lw instructions is 100011.
  2. Base Register (rs) (5 bits): This is the base register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  3. Destination Register (rt) (5 bits): This is the destination register. For R4, the binary representation is 00100.
  4. Offset (16 bits): This is the offset value. For 8, the binary representation is 0000000000001000.

MIPS LW Instruction Example


The beq (branch on equal) instruction compares two registers and branches to a specified address if they are equal. It is an I-type instruction.


Instruction beq R1, R1, +1
Machine Code 10210001


Opcode rs rt Offset
000100 00001 00001 0000000000000001


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for beq instructions is 000100.
  2. First Source Register (rs) (5 bits): This is the first source register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  3. Second Source Register (rt) (5 bits): This is the second source register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  4. Offset (16 bits): This is the offset value. For 1, the binary representation is 0000000000000001.

In this instruction, beq R1, R1, +1:

  • Operation: Compares the contents of registers R1 and R1.
  • Branch: If the contents are equal, the program branches to the address PC + 4 + (1 * 4). This means it will execute the instruction located one word (4 bytes) after the next instruction.

MIPS BEQ Instruction Example


The sub (subtract) instruction subtracts the value of one register from another and stores the result in a destination register. It is an R-type instruction.


Instruction sub R15, R7, R1
Machine Code 00E17822


Opcode rs rt rd shamt funct
000000 00111 00001 01111 00000 100010


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for sub instructions is 000000.
  2. First Source Register (rs) (5 bits): This is the first source register. For R7, the binary representation is 00111.
  3. Second Source Register (rt) (5 bits): This is the second source register. For R1, the binary representation is 00001.
  4. Destination Register (rd) (5 bits): This is the destination register. For R15, the binary representation is 01111.
  5. Shift Amount (shamt) (5 bits): This is the shift amount, which is 00000 for this instruction as it does not involve any shifting.
  6. Function Code (funct) (6 bits): The function code for sub is 100010.

MIPS SUB Instruction Example


The j (jump) instruction in MIPS is used to jump to a specified address. It is a J-type instruction.


Instruction j +4
Machine Code 08000004


Opcode Address
000010 00000000000000000000000004


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for j instructions is 000010.
  2. Address (26 bits): This is the target address for the jump, specified in the instruction.

To understand how the address is formed in the jump instruction, note that the address is constructed from the 26-bit immediate value, which is then shifted left by 2 bits (because MIPS instructions are word-aligned, meaning they are always at addresses that are multiples of 4). The final jump address is formed by combining the upper 4 bits of the current PC with the 26-bit immediate value (shifted left by 2 bits).

MIPS JUMP Instruction Example


The add instruction in MIPS adds the values of two registers and stores the result in a destination register. It is an R-type instruction.


Instruction add R23, R0, R15
Machine Code 000FB820


Opcode rs rt rd shamt funct
000000 00000 01111 10111 00000 100000


  1. Opcode (6 bits): The opcode for add instructions is 000000.
  2. First Source Register (rs) (5 bits): This is the first source register. For R0, the binary representation is 00000.
  3. Second Source Register (rt) (5 bits): This is the second source register. For R15, the binary representation is 01111.
  4. Destination Register (rd) (5 bits): This is the destination register. For R23, the binary representation is 10111.
  5. Shift Amount (shamt) (5 bits): This is the shift amount, which is 00000 for this instruction as it does not involve any shifting.
  6. Function Code (funct) (6 bits): The function code for add is 100000.

MIPS ADD Instruction Example


  1. Moustafa55589 / MIPS-32-Bit-Single-Cycle-and-Pipelined-RTL-Design-using-verilog
  2. martinKindall / mips_cpu
  3. DiabloBlood / single-cycle-MIPS-CPU
  4. ybch14 / Single-Cycle-CPU-with-Verilog
  5. walsvid / Single_Cycle_CPU


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