Tikkba is a Clojure library for the creation and the dynamic modification of SVG documents. It wraps the Apache Batik library and provides functions to create SVG images with the Clojure-based SVG DSL of the Analemma library.
Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.
The Tikkba library is available on Clojars:
(defn analemma-svg
"Creates a SVG representation with the Analemma functions"
(apply group
(-> (text "Analemma")
(add-attrs :x 120 :y 60)
(style :fill "#000066"
:font-family "Garamond"
:font-size "75px"
:alignment-baseline :middle))
(for [[x y] analemma-data]
(circle (translate-value x -30 5 0 125)
(translate-value y -25 30 125 0)
2 :fill "#000066")))))
(defn create-frame
(let [frame (JFrame.)]
(.add (.getContentPane frame) canvas)
(.setSize frame 800 200)
(.setDefaultCloseOperation frame JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(fn [] (.setVisible frame true)))))
(defn -main
;; Converts the SVG representation to a XML Document
;; and displays the SVG in a JFrame
(let [doc (svg-doc (analemma-svg))
canvas (jsvgcanvas)]
(set-document canvas doc)
(create-frame canvas)))
See the full code of this example
This example draw two rectangles. When the user clicks on the biggest rectangle, the color and position of the other rectangle will change.
(defn create-svg
"Creates a SVG representation with the Analemma functions"
(-> (rect 20 30 100 400 :id "rect0")
(style :fill "white" :stroke "blue" :stroke-width 10))
(-> (rect 50 250 50 80 :id "rect1")
(style :fill "white" :stroke "red" :stroke-width 10))
(-> (text "Click inside the blue rectangle!")
(add-attrs :x 450 :y 80)
(style :font-size "20px"))))
(defn random-color
(letfn [(color
(Integer/toHexString (rand-int 16)))]
(apply format "#%s%s%s%s%s%s" (repeatedly 6 color))))
(defn click-listener
[event canvas doc]
(let [rect1 (dom/element-by-id doc "rect1")
x (Integer/parseInt (dom/attr rect1 :x))]
;; changes rectangle position and color
(dom/add-attrs rect1
:style (style-str :fill (random-color))
:x (+ x 10)))))
(defn create-frame
(let [frame (JFrame.)]
(.add (.getContentPane frame) canvas)
(.setSize frame 800 600)
(.setDefaultCloseOperation frame JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
;; or use the do-swing macro of clojure.contrib.swing-utils:
(fn [] (.setVisible frame true)))))
(defn -main
;; Converts the SVG representation to a XML Document
;; and displays the SVG in a JFrame
(let [doc (svg-doc (create-svg))
rect (dom/element-by-id doc "rect0")
canvas (jsvgcanvas)]
(dom/add-event-listener rect "click" click-listener canvas doc)
(set-document canvas doc)
(create-frame canvas)))
See the full code of this example
(let [doc (svg-doc (create-svg))]
(dom/spit-xml "/tmp/rectangle.svg" doc
:indent "yes"
:encoding "UTF8"))
See the full code of this example
Here is a simple example, which shows usage of Batik's transcoders.
(ns tikkba.examples.transcoder
(:require [tikkba.dom :refer [svg-doc]]
[analemma.svg :refer [svg rect]]
[analemma.xml :as xml]
[tikkba.transcoder :as t])
(def canvas (svg-doc
(rect 10 10 400 50)
(xml/add-attrs :fill "red")))))
;; using PNG transcoder
(t/to-png canvas "/var/tmp/test.png")
(t/to-png canvas
{:width 410 :height 60})
;; using JPEG transcoder
(t/to-jpeg canvas "/var/temp/test.jpeg")
(t/to-jpeg canvas
{:quality 0.6})
All examples are available in the examples directory.
You can run the examples with the following command:
lein run -m <namespace-of-the-example>
For examples:
lein run -m tikkba.examples.dynamic
lein run -m tikkba.examples.output-string
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.