NOT my original idea, but had the creative liberty to change it as I wish, hope I did them justice.
- Welcome to the "Valentine" project, a creative way to ask out your Valentine. With the inclusion of a supplementary mini-game designed to actively involve your partner in the conversation, participants are encouraged to compete for the highest score of 21424 (Valentine's Day), enhancing the Valentine's Day experience.
- "Valentine" is a web-based application that presents users with the question "Will you be my valentine?" followed by two options: "Yes" and "No". What makes this project special is the interactive and engaging way it handles responses, especially if someone tries to click "No". With the inclusion of a supplementary mini-game designed to amuse your partner upon their affirmative response.
- Interactive Question: Interactive Valentine's Day proposal dynamic.
- Responsive Design: Is optimized for desktop and mobile view.
- Playful Interaction: If the user attempts to click "No", the button will then move in a playful manner.
This project is built using simple yet powerful web technologies:
- JavaScript
To experience "Valentine":
- Fork repository.
- Clone Your newly created repository to local machine.
- Open with VScode if it's on your local machine, or use Github codespaces to edit the site as you wish.
- Commit changes with detailed description and push to your forked repository.
- Go to and make an accout. (Preferablely use gitHub)
- Click "New" on the top right hand side.
- Click "static site".
- Choose the forked repository.
- Name the site.
- Within "Publish directory", enter a "." (period).
- Then click "Create Static Site" at the bottom of the screen
- Wait for the console to say "Your site is live".
- Lastly, copy link at the top of the screen and send it to your special someone. ❤️
Contributions to the "Valentine" project are more than welcome. It can be suggesting new features, improving design, or fixing bugs, here's how:
- Fork the Repository: Fork the on GitHub.
- Clone Your Fork: Clone your fork to your local machine for development and open it using VScode or use Github codespaces.
- Make Your Changes: Implement your feature or changes, fix, or improvement.
- Commit Your Changes: Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive commit message.
- Push to Your Fork: Push your changes up to your fork.
- Open a Pull Request: Back on GitHub, open a pull request from your fork to the main project.
If you encounter any issues or have questions about the project, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository.