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Simple, isomorphic Clojure webapps in a single Boot file.

[pandeiro/agua "0.2.3"] ;; latest release

Note: agua requires Java 8

What the hell is this?

Aside from some people's worst nightmare, agua is a tool that lets you write and run a ClojureScript app both in the browser and pre-rendered on the server.

That means it lets you do something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env boot

 :dependencies '[[pandeiro/agua "0.2.3"]
                 [reagent       "0.5.0-alpha"]])

 '[agua.core    :refer [defhtml defcss defcljs serve]]
 '[garden.color :refer [rgb]]
 '[garden.units :refer [px]])

(defhtml page
   [:meta {:charset "utf-8"}]
   [:title "My App"]
   [:style "%s"]]            ; <- styles inserted
   [:div#root "%s"]          ; <- pre-rendered view inserted
   [:footer "copyright you"]
   [:script "%s"]])          ; <- compiled raw js inserted

(defcss styles
   {:box-sizing    :border-box}]
   {:padding       (px 36)
    :background    :black
    :color         :lightgray
    :text-align    :center}]
   {:color         :white}]
   {:font-size     (px 24)
    :background    (rgb 40 40 40)
    :border        "solid 1px white"
    :font-style    :italic
    :padding       (px 12)
    :color         (rgb 150 150 150)
    :border-radius (px 8)}]
   {:position      :fixed
    :bottom        0
    :left          0
    :padding       (px 24)
    :width         "100%"
    :font-family   :monospace}])

(defcljs app
  (ns app.core
    (:require [reagent.core :as r]))

  (def state
     {:person "person"}))

  (defn- person-val [e]
    (or (not-empty (.-value (.-target e))) "person"))

  (defn main [state]
      (str "Hello, " (:person @state))]
     (when js/document
        {:placeholder "Name, please"
         :on-change #(swap! state assoc :person (person-val %))}])])

  (defn not-found []
      (str "404: '" js/location.pathname "' wasn't found.")]])

  (defn router []
    (condp re-find js/location.pathname
      #"^/$" [main state]

  (if js/document
    (r/render [router] (.getElementById js/document "root"))
    (r/render-to-string [router])))

;; Server
(defn -main [& args]
  (serve {:html page, :css styles, :app app}))

That script is included in this repo. To run it, just do ./example/app.boot. Then open the link in your favorite browser (like Lynx or eww or even Chromium).


To use agua, just bring along your favorite React wrapper (React is already included and pre-rendering it server-side in Nashorn is already configured) and write a script like the one above specifying your HTML as a Hiccup vector, your CSS as Garden data structures, and your ClojureScript application inline, as shown.

CSS is optional: if you include it, make sure your HTML template has three '%s' placeholders, the first of which will hold the CSS. You can then omit/include the :css key to (serve ...) accordingly.

Help others

If you write something with this and would like to share, add it to example/ and submit a Pull Request!


Copyright © 2015 Murphy McMahon

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Utilities for writing simple webapps






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