The TSstudio package provides a set of functions for time series analysis. That includes interactive data visualization tools based on the plotly package engine, supporting multiple time series objects such as ts
, xts
, and zoo
. In addition, the package provides a set of utility functions for preprocessing time series data, and as well backtesting applications for forecasting models from the forecast, forecastHybrid and bsts packages.
Install the stable version from CRAN:
or install the development version from Github:
# install.packages("devtools")
# Ploting time series object
# Seasonal plot
ts_seasonal(USgas, type = "all")
# Lags plot
ts_lags(USgas, lags = 1:12)
# Seasonal lags plot
ts_lags(USgas, lags = c(12, 24, 36, 48))
# Heatmap plot
# Forecasting applications
# Setting training and testing partitions
USgas_s <- ts_split(ts.obj = USgas, sample.out = 12)
train <- USgas_s$train
test <- USgas_s$test
# Forecasting with auto.arima
md <- auto.arima(train)
fc <- forecast(md, h = 12)
# Plotting actual vs. fitted and forecasted
test_forecast(actual = USgas, forecast.obj = fc, test = test)
# Plotting the forecast
# Forecasting with backtesting
USgas_backtesting <- ts_backtesting(USgas,
models = "abehntw",
periods = 6,
error = "RMSE",
window_size = 12,
h = 12)
hw_grid <- ts_grid(USgas,
model = "HoltWinters",
periods = 6,
window_space = 6,
window_test = 12,
hyper_params = list(alpha = seq(0,1,0.1),
beta = seq(0,1,0.1),
gamma = seq(0,1,0.1)))
plot_grid(hw_grid, type = "3D")