An additional JBOSS testsuite in order to facilitate Quality Testing.
Write your tests once and run them against any version of EAP and WILDFLY application server.
In order to synchronize the dependency versions of EAT with the component versions of the equivalent server you can run the additional-testsuite using -Dstandalone or -Dserver-integration property.
If you enable standalone mode (-Dstandalone), please make sure that the server parent pom is available locally or remotely as an artifact.
If you enable server-integration mode (-Dserver-integration), please make sure that the server BOM is available locally or remotely as an artifact.
- Make sure that JBOSS_FOLDER environment variable is set with the path to your JBOSS EAP directory.
- Make sure that JBOSS_VERSION environment variable is set with the version of JBOSS EAP Server.
- Set the equivalent repo according to the profile used for the test, using the repo environment variable.
- Build and run the additional testsuite activating the EAP profile (-Deap -Dstandalone).
- If you want to use http add -Dmaven.repository.protocol=http (Section : Using HTTPS below)
- If you would like/need to disable snapshot versions add -DDISABLE_SNAPSHOT_VERSIONS=true
- Sometimes enforcer rules need to be skipped adding -Denforcer.skip
- Optional parameter : -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.ignore.validity.dates=true
- If selenium tests should be included : -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver='path to gecko driver'
- Make sure that JBOSS_FOLDER environment variable is set with the path to your WILDFLY directory.
- Make sure that JBOSS_VERSION environment variable is set with the version of WILDFLY Server.
- Build and run the additional testsuite activating the WILDFLY profile (-Dwildfly -Dstandalone or -Dwildfly-jakarta -Dstandalone).
- If you want to use http add -Dmaven.repository.protocol=http (Section : Using HTTPS below)
- If you would like/need to disable snapshot versions add -DDISABLE_SNAPSHOT_VERSIONS=true
- Sometimes enforcer rules need to be skipped adding -Denforcer.skip
- Optional parameter : -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.ignore.validity.dates=true
- If selenium tests should be included : -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver='path to gecko driver'
- Make sure that JBOSS_FOLDER is set with the path to your EAP OR WILDFLY directory.
- Make sure that JBOSS_VERSION environment variable is set with the version of JBOSS EAP OR WILDFLY Server.
- If needed, set the equivalent repo according to the profile used for the test, using the repo environment variable.
- Make sure that JAVA_HOME is pointing to the jdk of desired version.
- Build and run the additional testsuite activating the EAP or WILDFLY specific jdk version profile (-Deap-jdk8, -Dwildfly-jdk8).
- If you want to use http add -Dmaven.repository.protocol=http (Section : Using HTTPS below)
- If you would like/need to disable snapshot versions add -DDISABLE_SNAPSHOT_VERSIONS=true
- export OPENLIBERTY_VERSION='the version of OpenLiberty features-bom you would like to use'
- mvn clean install -Dopenliberty (It should be executed with appropriate apache maven version, e.g. 3.5.3 works)
- mvn clean install -Dandroid -DnoDistribution -Dclone (-Dmodule='android-project-name') or gradle test -Pandroid -PnoDistribution -Pclone (-Pmodule='android-project-name') -c androidsettings.gradle
- export ANDROID_SDK_VERSION=...e.g. 1.0.0
- export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT='path to the Sdk'
- export ANDROID_HOME='path to the Sdk'
- Add files at the android projects (modules/testcases/jdkAll/Android/'project'/'project-name') you want to build with entry sdk.dir='path to the Sdk'
- mvn clean install -DnoDistribution -Dandroidversion -Dandroid -Dcreate (-Dmodule='android-project-name') or gradle test -PnoDistribution -Pandroidversion -Pandroid -Pcreate (-Pmodule='android-project-name') -c androidsettings.gradle
The open source projects that were selected to integrate into EAT can be found in and are the following:
- BloodBank
- Elegant_Calculator
- My_Companion
- TruthDare
- ThemeSample
- voxRec
- ImageBox
- MyCamera
- JKSLinks
Building multi-versioned Android projects with Maven on Windows
Replace the following lines within the "clone" profile of the project pom.xml :
<exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
<arg value="" />
<exec executable="bash">
<arg value="" />
Also, replace the following lines within the "create" profile of the project pom.xml :
<arg line="build"/>
<arg line="/c gradlew build"/>
Building multi-versioned Android projects with Gradle on Windows
Replace the following line of the project file:
commandLine "./gradlew", "build"
commandLine "cmd", "/c", "gradlew", "build"
Manual singing of produced unsigned apks
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name
How to deploy your android app to the emulator using cmd
To use the Android Emulator, you must create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) using Android Studio.
Once you have an AVD, start the Android Emulator and install your app as follows:
In a command line, navigate to android_sdk/tools/ and start the emulator by specifying your AVD:
emulator -avd avd_name
If you're unsure of the AVD name, execute emulator -list-avds.
Now you can install your app using either one of the Gradle install tasks mentioned in the section about how to build a debug APK or the adb tool. If the APK is built using a developer preview SDK (if the targetSdkVersion is a letter instead of a number), you must include the -t option with the install command to install a test APK.
adb install path/to/your_app.apk
- mvn clean install -Dandroid -DnoDistribution -Dclone (-Dmodule='android-project-name') or gradle test -Pandroid -PnoDistribution -Pclone (-Pmodule='android-project-name') -c androidsettings.gradle
- export ANDROID_SDK_VERSION=...e.g. 1.0.0
- export JBOSS_VERSION=...e.g. 1.0.0 (used for version distribution)
- export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT='path to the Sdk'
- export ANDROID_HOME='path to the Sdk'
- Add files at the android projects (modules/testcases/jdkAll/Android/'project'/'project-name') you want to build with entry sdk.dir='path to the Sdk'
- mvn clean install (-DnoDistribution) -Dandroidversion -Dandroid -Dcreate (-Dmodule='android-project-name') or gradle test (-PnoDistribution) -Pandroidversion -Pandroid -Pcreate (-Pmodule='android-project-name') -c androidsettings.gradle
- Start the emulator (in case of orchestrated tests) : $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator/emulator -avd $EMULATOR
- mvn clean install -DnoDistribution -Dandroidversion -Dandroid -Dtest (-Dmodule='android-project-name') or gradle test -PnoDistribution -Pandroidversion -Pandroid -Ptest (-Pmodule='android-project-name') -c androidsettings.gradle
The open source projects that were selected to integrate into EAT can be found in and are the following:
- testing-samples/unit/BasicSample
- testing-samples/runner/AndroidTestOrchestratorWithTestCoverageSample
- testing-samples/ui/espresso/BasicSample
After changing from HTTP to HTTPS, the maven repositories for Eap may not host a valid public SSL certificate, which will lead to maven failed to build the project. There are 3 options to fix that if it happens:
- Specify the -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true in the maven build command line to bypass the SSL certificates check (This is suitable for local workstation case)
- Specify -Dmaven.repository.protocol=http to switch back to HTTP
- Import the server certificate into your local trusted store.
- Writing the tests once and testing against infinite number of Application Servers.
- Having all the tests at one place.
- Comparison of the servers based on the testsuite.
- Guarding against regression.
- Faster convergence among the servers.
- Comparison of the servers based on tests of the past and the present.
- Addition of tests with possible future features that are not at the moment available.
- It makes possible to push a testcase of a fix regarding a specific component of the server, without the component version to have been updated at the server pom.
- Ability to merge tests from remote testsuites.
- Serves as a pool of tested features programs can be built with.
If a test is developed for server X then it can be automatically tested against all the other servers.
- Start the server (that you have defined in JBOSS_FOLDER) with the --debug 'port' option.
- Connect the Debugger to the Remote VM inside the server using some IDE.
- Activate the equivalent debug profile at your IDE (eg eap7+.testsuite).
- Set your breakpoints.
- And then start the debugging executing the specific test which is errorous.
- Activate the equivalent debug profile at your IDE (eg eap7+.testsuite).
- Set your breakpoints.
- Run your tests from command line adding -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8787 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" property. e.g. mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8787 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" test -Dwildfly (or -Dwildfly-jakarta) -Dstandalone
- Connect the Debugger to the Remote VM using some IDE.
- Debug the specific test which is errorous.
- Make sure that JBOSS_FOLDER environment variable is set with the path to your JBOSS EAP directory.
- Make sure that JBOSS_VERSION environment variable is set with the version of JBOSS EAP Server.
- From parent directory execute : gradle test -Pwildfly-jakarta -Pstandalone -PmoduleName=all (-Pincludemvnredirections)
- Before starting the IDE, go to your IDE directory and export JBOSS_FOLDER and JBOSS_VERSION environment variables at file /etc/environment and execute the command "source /etc/environment".
- Start your IDE from command line and load the project.
- Go to Modules directory and activate the desired server profile (eg wildfly.testsuite). Then activate the standalone profile at the server dir that has appeared.
- Make sure that the server parent pom is available locally or remotely as an artifact.
- Modify the run/build configurations in order to use the the desired goals, profiles and environment variables
- Build your project.
In order to process the EAT sources, please, after following the steps of the section "HOW TO BUILD EAP ADDITIONAL TESTSUITE INSIDE AN IDE (ECLIPSE, IntelliJ IDEA, NETBEANS)" (activating the equivalent server profile and the standalone profile, etc), proceed to the following actions depending on the way of processing and the IDE that you choose :
1st WAY OF PROCESSING (This way applies for all the IDEs)
- Load the subcategory level where exist the tests that you would like to process.
- Process your sources.
- Do not forget to copy the modified sources at the Modules Level (modules/src/main/java). In a different case, if you run the project from the Parent Level, your modified sources will be overriden by the ones that exist at the Modules Level (Risk of losing your modifications).
- Eclipse :
- Load the parent, modules and specific server layeres.
- Activate the specific server testuite profile at the parent and modules level and the standalone profile at the server lever
- Define the maven build configuration and run the testsuite (including the JBOSS_FOLDER and JBOSS_VERSION variables).
- Please make sure that the project sources hava a recognized type (e.g. java)
- When projecing the sources in the server directory, before running the testsuite, please move them to the modules level (or else they will be overriden by the distribution)
Please, go to the Server Level (e.g. Wildfly Server Level) and follow the actions depending on the IDE:
IntelliJ IDEA : Go to the Server Level Project -> Project Structure -> Sources, remove the current context root and add "PATH_TO_PROJECT/EAT/modules/src/main/java" as the context root. Apply the changes. The sources should be, now, visible in your IDE to process under "java" directory.
Netbeans : The sources should be visible in your IDE to process.
Important note :
- If the sources are to be modified or extended, the working directory of the run/build configuration should be set to the EAT parent directory, in order that any changes in the sources would be propagated to the specific server sources.
- The sources to be processed should be the ones linked to modules/src/main/java directory.
Done as part of EAT CI :
Supposing that we would like to add Mtom TestCase for Wildfly (master) and Eap 7 (7.x) Servers in Eap Additional Testsuite, we would follow the steps bellow :
Add the source code of the test in modules/src/main directory (both for Wildfly and Eap7+ - write your code once) and annotate all the classes used in the test with the @EAT annotation, specifing the locations of the Servers that the classes will be distributed to, as a String Array attribute (e.g. @EAT Example).
Add the resources in Wildfy Mtom recource directory (for Wildfly) and Eap7+ Mtom recource directory (for Eap7+)
Add any additional dependencies in Wildfy pom (for Wildfly) and Eap7+ pom (for Eap7+)
Enable the Mtom TestCase in Wildfy Web Configuration pom (for Wildfly) and Eap7+ Web Configuration pom (for Eap7+)
Build the Eap Additional Testsuite for Wildfy and Eap7 (having set the equivalent JBOSS_FOLDER and JBOSS_VERSION environment variables) :
- mvn clean install -Dwildfly -Dstandalone (for Wildfly) or mvn clean install -Dwildfly-jakarta -Dstandalone (for Jakarta Wildfly)
- mvn clean install -Deap7+ -Dstandalone (for Eap7+) or mvn clean install -Deap-jakarta -Dstandalone (for Jakarta Eap)
- Infinite number of servers could be added in Eap-Additional-Testsuite, while the tests included could be tested against all these servers.
- Eap-Additional-Testsuite could be a very helpful tool in combination with the documentation. In parallel with the documentation, examples of use cases could be provided, which could be tested against all the servers.
- Eap-Additional-Testsuite is the first component to change the relation of Component -> Server to Component <-> Server, as this component can be considered as a part of a Server, but also a Server can be considered as a part of Eap-Additional-Testsuite.
- The AT Structures can be used with any Software Program language.
If any assistance is needed to add a new test in Eap Additional Testsuite, please add it to the following directories, denoting the versions of the servers within the tests should be tested (eg EAP 7.1.1.DR1, etc) :
For people not familiar with EAT, they can add a single version test (as usual) here : , commenting where this should be included (servers, server-versions, etc). e.g.
- @author author_name
- @EATSERVERS : Wildfly,Eap72x,Eap72x-Proposed
- @EATLOWERLIMITVERSIONS : 18.0.0, 7.2.3, 7.2.3
- @EATUPPERLIMITVERSIONS : 18.0.0, 7.2.4, 7.2.4
Then this test can be added to the right places to be distributed for the specific server versions.
- Set the GITHUB_REPO environment variable with the url of the remote testsuite repo (e.g. export GITHUB_REPO=
- Set the SUBDIR environment variable with the subdirectory path of the repo you would like to copy to modules/src/main/java direcory of EAT (e.g. export SUBDIR=RemoteTestRepo/src/java/main/org).
- Run EAT as usual.
The innovative part of EAT is creating the test once and testing with any version of the tested software. It may be firstly applied for the JBOSS Servers, but, in general, a similar structure, can be used for creating tests about any software with multiple versions or for multiple software programs that have a part of the testsuite in common.
Another innovative part of the AT structure is that using the annotation @ATFeature, it can create dynamic subsets of tests in order to test dynamically created software programs (using provisioning tools) according to a specific list of features / characteristics.
- Use the generalized additional testsuite structure in order to include Fedora and Openshift tests for multiple versions of Fedora and Openshift.
- Create different categories of ATs (Additional Testsuites) : e.g. ATs for features could be different from ATs for bugs.
- Use AT structures for testing containers (e.g. using Arquillian cube)
- Create a framework that will combine all ATs (Additional Testsuites), e.g. EAT, JBTAT, etc. The user would be able to add a test to whichever testsuite he/she would choose. Furthermore, the user should be able to add more ATs in this framework, according to the software project of usage.
- The past sources could contain only the differences.
- Distribution of tests based on if a specific commit is merged.
- The servers could build only the modules related to the proposed modification changes.
- Make it more user friendly (for whoever is not familiar with its usage), using a pre-entry step, by adding a testcase, as usual, to a single-version server pre-testsuite. Then the test case will be added in the Eap-Additional-Testsuite sources for multiversion usage.
- Create a subcategory for a collection of components.
- Show how it can test multi-versioned software with multiple components that are dynamically updated in real time using component chains.
- Use arquillian cube for container testing.
- Make dependencies fully dynamic
- Create scripts that wrap the multiversion testsuite with the IDEs.
- NEXT GENERATION AT STRUCTURES : The tests/methods (that may use features/dependencies from a provisioning tool/dependency-feature analyzer) should be independent modules that will have dependencies (metadata could be used) on libraries and other methods (which may also use some features/dependencies from the provisioning tool/dependency-feature analyzer and which could have their own dependencies). The tool should compose the appropriate test cases and distribute them to the appropriate subcategories in accordance with the available features/dependencies. The dependencies could also be defined automatically when using a dependency-feature analyzer. This way the annotations for enabling the tests could be automated (and become non mandatory in some cases).
- Test based software dynamic creation
- Cloud Software Testing
- ...
- Make the applications on cluster available by exposing the endpoints of the specific cluster.
- Distribute only the tests for the specific cluster to be tested.
- Excecute the tests.
- export OPENKUBECLUSTER=(OpenKube-1,OpenKube-2,etc) to the cluster on which the app is deployed
- export KUBENDPOINTURL=(the endpoing url of the cluster to be tested)
- run : mvn clean install -Dopenkube
- clean distributed resources for the cluster in case another cluster is to be tested : mvn clean install -Dopenkube -Dclean-all
Documentation link :
The android EAT app :
The testcases that have relevant documentation in EAT-PROPOSALS app include a similar comment as in
Many thanks to Stefanos Vlachos (GSoC 2022)
- JBEAP-23792.pdf
- RESTEASY DOCS (ClientSideFilters.pdf , ResteasyAtomLinks.pdf, ResteasyServerSideFilters.pdf, ResteasyInterceptors.pdf, ResteasyCache.pdf, ResteasyGzip.pdf, ResteasyReactive.pdf)
- GSoC-2022 (3 phases)
JDK 21
Many thanks to the University of Peloponnese (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications) for the theory of AT Structures.