The GARO Makai Knight Trivia Game involves the player answering a given question within a set time. Each question is given a set time of ten seconds and four choices for each question. If the player runs out of time or choose the wrong choice, the correct choice will be display. There are a total of ten questions in this trivia game. After the player answers the last question, the score will be display at the end of the game as well as an option to replay the game again.
*You'll be shown only one question and you'll have ten seconds to answer the question. There will be a total of ten questions for you.
*Your score will be display on the final screen, which show the number of correct answers, and incorrect answers.
###Technologies Used
*HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery
###Upcoming features and additions
*Randomize questions from a set of 20 questions & randomize choices for each question