We are looking forward to working with you at the Workshop Tage 2018 at the ETH Zurich!
First of all we need a couple of FREE accounts:
A free GitHub account. If you don't have it already, open it here
A free Google account. If you don't have it already, open it here
Once your Google account is active, you have to activate the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free trial. To activate it, follow the instrcutions on this site
[OPTIONAL] [MAC-OS-X-USERS] If you are using MacOsX, please install homebrew following official instructions. This is going to be really useful from now on. Linux users should have already by default apt-get or yum.
Install the Google Cloud SDK using these instructions. Before install, have a look on prerequisites.
Install the Kubectl command line interface following these instructions
As a worst case backup install the Minikube following official instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: We will try to work on the GCP, but if for any reason this is not going to work, the Minikube is a pretty good alternative.
If you landed directly on GitHub, open this document to follow the steps of the workshop
If you come from the workshop steps document, go back to it and proceed ;)
We have already prepared a repo with a couple of sample applications:
This is a simple stand-alone service exposing 2 endpoints:
- "/greetings": returning a greeting string
- "/info": return a json object with application name, id and datetime of the response
This is simple service depending on the producer-service, exposing 4 endpoints:
- "/greetings": returning a greeting string
- "/greetings/all": returning a list of greeting strings, from current application and from the producer-service
- "/info": return a json object with application name, id and datetime of the response
- "/info/all": return a list of json objects, from current application and from the producer-service