This is a simple starter project that demonstrates all of the API endpoints provided by Pastelink.
Python 3
(This is a basic guide for windows users. Different OSs might need to enter slightly different commands to operate this project.)
Start by creating an API key within your Pastelink account:
If you're new to python, clone this repo and download the dependancies. Open a command line tool and follow these instructions:
We first recommend you create a venv:
cd to the project folder
python -m venv.
Activate the env.
On windows: ./.venv/Scripts/activate
On Linux: source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r 'requirements.txt'
Copy the env.example
cp env.example .env
Edit this new .env file to add your API key
Now you can run with:
This should now have pinged the Pastelink servers with all available requests, with the dry_run flag activated. You can now edit and change it to your needs. Make sure to set the dry_run flag to 0 when you're done testing.