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The website uses NodeJs and mongoDB for backend. For the frontend it uses a template by colorlib. Website has a login functionality from where admin can add new posts. For adding posts website uses a WYSIWYG editor called quilljs. It is fully seo optimized and also uses nodemailer which sends mail to all the registered users.
- Uses nodejs and mongodb as backend
- Ejs templating to serve data to front end from APIs
- WYSIWYG editor
- Created complete CMS and an admin pannel to add, edit, delete posts, add categories, add mail lists.
- Seo open graph tags for facebook and twitter
- Embed option in blog post creation for youtube videos and images.
- Nodemailer to mail all the subscribed users.
- Rest API for mobile app of iste to provide information about blog posts in json format.
- Uses mongoDB to store sessions
- Added editing blogs functionality
- Added number of views on blog posts in the REST API for mobile app
- Added google analytics
- Added image resizer tool in WYSIWYG editor
- Used pm2 module for autorestart the app on server and set env to production for caching.
Whenever in production mode- change http to https and change session's secure parameter to true