Python files for publishing and subscribing to a Mosquitto MQTT broker
Variables may be named bird related items as that was the project it was initally for
Packages Time, Paho and CSV must be installed to use this code
Use the package manager pip to install
pip install paho-mqtt
CSV and time are pre-installed packages however if not installed follow instructions bellow including
pip install python-csv
pip install paho-mqtt
Call function main()
status = main(filename, broker)
filename is the name of the CSV file you wish to read data from
broker is the MQTT broker IP or domain name
status is a string variable that either returns confirmation or error message for usage
First it will read from the file and check if there is data to be published
#Open CSV file and read data to array
def open_file(filename):
file_CSV = open(filename)
data_CSV = csv.reader(file_CSV)
list_CSV = list(data_CSV)
return list_CSV
except Exception as e: #Return error
print("Error with file: ", e)
return list_CSV
#main function - check if data then start connection script
def main(csv_filename, broker):
global str_bird_array
bird_array = open_file(csv_filename)
if not bird_array:
status = "No Data"
return status
str_bird_array = str(bird_array)
connect_and_publish(broker, str(bird_array))
status = "Data has been published"
return status
It will then attempt to connect to the broker and publish the data as a string. If unsuccessful in connection it will exit and return an error status. This is so the overall script can be called over and over allowing for multiple attempts.
#check if there is a connection and publish data
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0: # 0 is correctly connected
print("Publishing Data")
client.publish("birds/data", str_bird_array, qos=0, retain=True)
except Exception as e: #Return Error in publishing
print("Error Publishing Data: ", e)
else: #Return Status code
print("Error connection: ", rc)
#Create Client and run connection and publish scripts
def connect_and_publish(broker, bird_array):
#Client(client_id="", clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol=MQTTv311, transport="tcp")
client = mqtt.Client("lions_gate") # Client
client.loop_start() # Client loop
#Callback for displaying log data
#start coonection attempt
client.connect(broker, port=1883, keepalive=60)
print("Attempting COnnection")
client.on_connect=on_connect #callback function
while client.connected_flag == False: #Wait for connection
#Callback for displaying data only used in subscription scripts
client.loop_stop() # Loop stop
The subscription process is similar however data is recieved instead of sent. This data is then decoded like a packet and the payload is extracted.
#decode message
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
global message
message = msg.payload
The payload is then formatted back into an array from a string.
#format data into array
def format_data(unformatted_message):
counter = 0
formatted_message = []
unformatted_message = unformatted_message.split('[')
#skip first two blank lines
for field in unformatted_message:
if counter != 2:
counter = counter + 1
#remove extras
field = field.replace("],","")
field = field.replace("]","")
field = field.replace("\'","")
#add tp array
return formatted_message
The instances are then counted and plotted into a bar chart
#count birds and add to dictionary
def count_birds(formatted_message):
count_dict = {}
for field in formatted_message:
if field[1] not in count_dict:
count_dict[field[1]] = 1
tmp = count_dict[field[1]]
tmp = tmp + 1
count_dict[field[1]] = tmp
return count_dict
#graph counted birds
def graph(counted_birds):
names = list(counted_birds.keys())
values = list(counted_birds.values()), values, tick_label=names)
Any questions please contact me at:
Many Thanks, Paul