An API client for Docker Remote api v.1.10 written in Clojure. You can find more comprehensive api reference on this url .
add additional line into project dependencies in your project.clj
: [docker "0.2.0"] and run a command lein deps
(require '[docker.core :as docker])
;; get an information of docker agent
(def client (make-client ""))
(docker/version client)
(docker/info client)
;; manage docker images
(require '[docker.image :as image])
(image/show-all client)
(image/search client "tiny-haproxy")
(image/create client "lapax/tiny-haproxy")
(image/inspect client "lapax/tiny-haproxy")
;; manage docker containers
(require '[docker.container :as container])
(container/show-all client)
(println container/default-container-config);; which keywords are supported
(container/create client {:Hostname "test-docker", :Memory "1g"})
(container/inspect client "container-id")
(container/start client "container-id")
(container/top client "container-id")
(container/stop client "container-id")
Project has 2 kinds of tests :
docker.mocks.* - tests with stubbed responses. It requires [http-kit-fake ">0.2.2"] which have a workaround to stub webrequests for
function. run these specs by command$> lein with-profile dev midje docker.mocks.*
docker.v0x90 - will include tests running against real docker v0.9, it requires that you've installed vagrant and ansible.
It's Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license.
- Write additional tests for docker v0.9
- Write docs for human as ClojureWerkz has.
- Test on battlefield.
- add stuartsierra/component pattern for containers(?)