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Aquidneck Island Transport Model

This repository contains a network model around Aquidneck Island for use in SUMO simulations.

network overview

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Model Features

The Aquidneck Island Transport Model is a microsimulation model including a model of the transportation network and calibrated user demand scenarios built from the Rhode Island Statewide Model and state traffic counter data. The model includes accurate lane behaviors, and work is ongoing to accurately model the traffic signal programs. The model also includes specific local features, such as routing restrictions and gate behaviors at Naval Station Newport, and shoulder passing on certain streets.

Planned Updates

This model is under continual development to incorporate more features to realistically model traffic on the island. Some planned future features include:

  • Public transportation routes
  • Pedestrian user demand and multi-modal trips
  • Parking and parking-searching traffic demand

Running a Simulation

Model currently working in SUMO v1.19.0
Before running the calibrated Aquidneck Island Traffic Model scenarios, the trip and route files need to be generated. In demand/scripts/ run to generate the intermediate files for simulation. Once the files have been computed, the simulation can be run using one of the configuration files in the scenario directory. General simulation results are written by default, but additional data can be obtained by modifying the configuration file per the SUMO documentation.

Using Docker

From this folder, run docker run -it --name aquidneck --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd),target=/model paulopperman/sumo-docker:latest and use the command line interface to run the desired simulation.

Street Network Source Data

The bounding box for the network model is [-71.4022,41.4471,-71.1742,41.6578].

The network is built from OpenStreetMap data accessed with the overpass api from the following address:,41.4471,-71.1742,41.6578 . Additional detail and corrections have been made directly to the network file.