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🧮Pairwise combinations generator with constraints for Java


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AllPairs4J is an open source Java library for generation of minimal set of test combinations.

Pairwise Testing •

Assuming you want to create test cases for web browser testing, the domain can be described with parameters:

Browser:    Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
OS:         Windows, Linux, macOS
RAM:        1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384
Drive:      HDD, SSD
Screen:     1024x768, 1366x768, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160

There are hundreds of possible combinations of these values. However, usually most faults are caused by interactions of at most two factors, therefore testing all pairs is an effective alternative to exhaustive testing. For example, {Chrome, Windows} is one pair, {4096, SSD} is another; together they can represent a test case that also covers many other pairs: {Chrome, Windows, 4096, SSD, 2560x1440}. In the end, you have good coverage while the number of test cases remains manageable.

With AllPairs4J, you can add constraints - limitations on the domain to restrict generation of certain pairs. For example, specify that Safari can only be paired with macOS, and Edge with Windows. Or even go beyond pairs.


  • Specify constraints to add limitations on the test combinations generation.
  • Generate pairwise, triplewise, n-wise test combinations.
  • Integrate with any Java project. There are pairwise tools that can sometimes be faster or generate smaller set covering all the test combinations (pict is probably your best choice). However, they are missing features mentioned above and/or do not integrate with Java.



Java 8 or higher.


dependencies {




Generate Pairwise Combinations

You can configure AllPairs generation using AllPairsBuilder. After it is built, the test cases are generated.
As a minimal setup, you need to describe Parameters to generate test combinations from.

Sample code:

AllPairs allPairs = new AllPairs.AllPairsBuilder()
                new Parameter("Browser", "Chrome", "Safari", "Edge"),
                new Parameter("OS", "Windows", "Linux", "macOS"),
                new Parameter("RAM", 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384),
                new Parameter("Drive", "HDD", "SSD")))



  1: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}
  2: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
  3: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
  4: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  5: {Browser=Safari, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  6: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
  7: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
  8: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
  9: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
 10: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}
 11: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 12: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
 13: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
 14: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 15: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}

Constraints: Generate Filtered Pairwise Combinations

To filter out unwanted combinations, you need to describe Constraints. Each potential test Case is tested against them. If any test evaluates to true, the Case under test won't be present in the result and the algorithm will search for another Case, so that in the end all possible pairs are covered (considering all the Constraints).

For example, let's create limitations so that:

  • Browser=Safari can only be paired with OS=macOS
  • Browser=Edge can only be paired with OS=Windows
  • RAM can't be less than 4000

Sample code:

AllPairs allPairs = new AllPairs.AllPairsBuilder()
        .withParameter(new Parameter("Browser", "Chrome", "Safari", "Edge"))
        .withParameter(new Parameter("OS", "Windows", "Linux", "macOS"))
        .withParameter(new Parameter("RAM", 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384))
        .withParameter(new Parameter("Drive", "HDD", "SSD"))
        .withConstraint(c -> c.get("Browser").equals("Safari") && !c.get("OS").equals("macOS"))
        .withConstraint(c -> c.get("Browser").equals("Edge") && !c.get("OS").equals("Windows"))
        .withConstraint(c -> (int) c.get("RAM") < 4000)



  1: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
  2: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
  3: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  4: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
  5: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
  6: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
  7: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
  8: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  9: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 10: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
 11: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}

Constraints tips:

Try to simplify constraints as much as possible. Too complicated constraints might cause longer algorithm processing time, especially on a large input of Parameters.

For example, for the following input:

Browser:    Chrome
OS:         Linux, macOS
Drive:      HDD, SSD

Consider two different constraints:

// filter out 'Chrome-Linux-HDD' combination:
complicatedConstraint = c -> c.get("Browser").equals("Chrome") && c.get("OS").equals("Linux") && c.get("Drive").equals("HDD")
// filter out 'Linux-HDD' pair:
simplifiedConstraint = c -> c.get("OS").equals("Linux") && c.get("Drive").equals("HDD")

It is better to use simplifiedConstraint, because the usage of complicatedConstraint implies there might be pairs including non-Chrome browsers, while in fact there is only one possible browser.

Generate Triplewise Combinations

You can specify test combination size to go beyond pairs.

Sample code:

AllPairs allPairs = new AllPairs.AllPairsBuilder()
                new Parameter("Browser", "Chrome", "Safari", "Edge"),
                new Parameter("OS", "Windows", "Linux", "macOS"),
                new Parameter("RAM", 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384),
                new Parameter("Drive", "HDD", "SSD")))



  1: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}
  2: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
  3: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
  4: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  5: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
  6: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
  7: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
  8: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}
  9: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=2048, Drive=HDD}
 10: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=HDD}
 11: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
 12: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=SSD}
 13: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 14: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 15: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 16: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=SSD}
 17: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 18: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 19: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 20: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 21: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 22: {Browser=Edge, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 23: {Browser=Safari, OS=Linux, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 24: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 25: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 26: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 27: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 28: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 29: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 30: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 31: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 32: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 33: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 34: {Browser=Safari, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 35: {Browser=Edge, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 36: {Browser=Chrome, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 37: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 38: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 39: {Browser=Safari, OS=Windows, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 40: {Browser=Safari, OS=Windows, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 41: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}
 42: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 43: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 44: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 45: {Browser=Safari, OS=Windows, RAM=16384, Drive=HDD}
 46: {Browser=Safari, OS=Windows, RAM=2048, Drive=SSD}
 47: {Browser=Edge, OS=Linux, RAM=4096, Drive=SSD}
 48: {Browser=Chrome, OS=macOS, RAM=8192, Drive=HDD}

Configuration Summary


AllPairs allPairs = new AllPairs.AllPairsBuilder()
        .withParameter( Parameter )                            // specifies 1 Parameter
        .withParameters( List<Parameter> )                     // alternative way to specify multiple Parameters as List
        .withConstraint( Predicate<ConstrainableCase> )        // specifies 1 Constraint, default is no Constraints
        .withConstraints( List<Predicate<ConstrainableCase>> ) // alternative way to specify multiple Constraints as List
        .withTestCombinationSize( int )                        // specifies test combination size, default is 2 (pair)
        .printEachCaseDuringGeneration()                       // prints Cases during generation, useful for debug

List<Case> generatedCases = allPairs.getGeneratedCases();      // work with resulting List of Cases
for (Case c : allPairs) { ... }                                // or use Iterator

Data types:

  • Parameter: named List<Object> storing all input values
  • Case: Map<String, Object> storing one generated test case, where key is mapped to the Parameter name, value is mapped to one of the Parameter values
  • Predicate<ConstrainableCase>: constraint


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases on this repository.