For more info check
$npm install payu-pl
var PayU = require('payu-pl');
Merchant configuration are costant data for your merchant e.g., merchantPosId, notifyUrl or whatever you want to be stored.
var PayU = require('payu-pl'),
merchantConfig = {
merchantPosId: 145227, //test merchant id
key: '13a980d4f851f3d9a1cfc792fb1f5e50', //test merchant key
currencyCode: "PLN"
merchant = PayU.setDefaultMerchant(merchantConfig); //creating instance for app scope
//merchant == PayU.API;
//merchant instanceof PayU
merchant = new PayU(merchantConfig); //local instance
//You don't need to pass data that you put in merchant configuration.
var testOrderData = {
customerIp: "",
description: 'Test order',
totalAmount: PayU.parsePrice(17.99), //or put string value in lowest currency unit
products: [{
name: 'Product 1',
unitPrice: PayU.parsePrice(17.99),
merchant.createOrder(testOrderData, function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
Constructor takes 2 arguments. First could be config object or merchantPosId. Second is hashKey (optional, could be passed in config object as key)
- PayU.parsePrice(floatPrice) - returning parsed string price
- merchant = new PayU(configOrMerchantId, optionalHashKey) - new merchant instance
- merchant = PayU.*setDefaultMerchant(args) - setting new PayU(*args) as PayU.API (avalible in next module require in app scope) and returns it.
- merchant.login(merchantPosId, hashKey) - setting merchant id and hash key for auth
- merchant.createOrder(orderData, cb) -
- merchant.getOrder(orderId, cb) -
- merchant.cancelOrder(orderId, cb) -
- merchant.refundOrder(orderData, cb) -
- merchant.changeOrderStatus(orderData, cb) -