Wrapper around Payout API to simplify access to banking services.
const { createClient } = require('payout_node_sdk')
const credentials = {
clientId: 'your client key',
clientSecret: 'your client secret'
const client = createClient(credentials)
const checkout = {
amount: 100,
currency: 'EUR',
customer: {
email: 'john.doe@payout.one',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
externalId: 'id-in-mi-system',
idempotencyKey: 'idempotency',
metadata: {
note:'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been.'
redirectUrl: 'http://localhost/weboohks'
await client.createCheckout(checkout)
Response should by signed checkout
, it is not necessary to check signature
since it is already checked in sdk
amount: 100
currency: "EUR"
customer: {
email: "john.doe@payout.one",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
id: 1,
externalId: "id-in-mi-system-also",
idempotencyKey: "idempotency",
metadata: {type: "eshop"},
nonce: "some-server-nonce",
signature: "some-server-signature"
object: "checkout"
redirectUrl: "http://localhost/weboohks",
status: "processing",
checkoutUrl: "http://localhost/checkout/pqResUvX"
await client.listCheckouts()
await client.listCheckouts({offset: 3, limit: 2})
Response will by list of signed checkouts
amount: 100,
currency: 'EUR',
customer: {
email: 'john.doe@payout.one',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
id: 1,
externalId: 'f0ac316a-9ea6-7998-01a7-720437afb34c',
idempotencyKey: '31f0ac6a-9ea6-01a7-7998-720437afb34c',
metadata: {type: 'eshop'},
nonce: 'ZUc0Mk9sVXZDOXNsdklzMQ',
object: 'checkout',
payment: {
createdAt: 1555778371,
failureReason: '',
fee: 30,
funds: 'available',
net: 96270,
object: 'payment',
paymentMethod: 'CSOB',
status: 'successful'
redirectUrl: 'https://example.com',
signature: '5a940ff7f1698f5d334527951519c84fa104c77ecf6691936093835bcac14d52',
status: 'processing'
amount: 110,
currency: 'EUR',
customer: {
email: 'john.doe@payout.one',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
id: 2,
externalId: 'external-id',
idempotencyKey: 'idempotency-key',
metadata: {type: 'eshop'},
nonce: 'ZUc0Mk9sVXZDOXNsdkQ',
object: 'checkout',
payment: {
createdAt: 1555778371,
failureReason: '',
fee: 30,
funds: 'available',
net: 96270,
object: 'payment',
paymentMethod: 'CSOB',
status: 'successful'
redirectUrl: 'https://example.com',
signature: 'example-signature',
status: 'processing'
Get checkout by it's id
await client.getCheckout(123)
And response is
amount: 1050,
currency: "EUR",
customer: {
email: "john.doe@payout.one",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
id: 123,
externalId: "f0ac316a-9ea6-7998-01a7-720437afb34c",
idempotencyKey: "31f0ac6a-9ea6-01a7-7998-720437afb34c",
metadata: {type: "eshop"},
nonce: "ZUc0Mk9sVXZDOXNsdklzMQ",
object: "checkout",
payment: {
createdAt: 1555778371,
failureReason: "",
fee: 30,
funds: "available",
net: 96270,
object: "payment",
paymentMethod: "CSOB",
status: "successful"
redirectUrl: "https://example.com",
signature: "5a940ff7f1698f5d334527951519c84fa104c77ecf6691936093835bcac14d52",
status: "processing"
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inside in.