Canto is am entirely free, simple journaling app for Android.
It's built with react-native
and may one day be ported to ioPs.
It's meant to resolve frustrations with the current journaling mobile app
ecosystem - pointless features, insane charges and 'DiaryAsAService'-bs.
- Completely free and open source.
- Management of multiple journals.
- Encryption. Always. Everywhere.
- Automated backups with Google Drive.
- Add images, files, GPS data, tags and comments to your entries.
- Format using markdown.
- Optionally use a password to lock your data.
- Filter and query your previous entries.
Please create an issue tagged as bug
. Include the platform, a description of the problem and how to reproduce it.
Please create an issue for discussing the changes. If all is well, your PR will be merged once reviwed.
Create a PR that adds your language to .src/Dictionary/index.js
First release:
(being worked at) Finish Google Drive Integration for automated backups.
- Fix uploaded image download/upload (currently receiving empty data array from API)
- Check for bugs
Add option to create readable exports of a journal (doc or markdown file)
Add option to generate local exports that can be used as backups
Add option to load local exports
Add loading spin in areas it's needed
General compatibility test on other android API levels and devices
Long term support:
- Tests, none currently exists.
- Migrate to TypeScript.
Connect your phone or emulator using Android Studio
Run JS Server on a terminal
Console #1
> yarn start
- Compile and install Canto
Console #2
> yarn android
Install react-native-google-signin and react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper. Make sure your app SHA1 fingerprint is properly setup.
Create a project at Google's API console, adding an OAuth 2.0 web credential. Save it to a gdriveCredentials.js
file at this project root directory. Just export the credential json: export default {/* json credentials data */}
Remember to enable access to the Google Drive API.
This project uses react-native-mmkv-storage. If the project wont build after following the installation instrunctions, check the related issue.