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Apache Avro™

Apache Avro™ is a data serialization system.

Learn more about Avro, please visit our website at:

About this version

  • support multiple schemas files
  • allow reference to types on external schema file

To test it:

Build project Avro.codegen.

This project generate the dotnet tool, it was renaming as avrogenms (instead of avrogen) to avoid conflict wth original Apache tool. When buil, a nuget package with avrogenms tool will be generated. Package version is read from file "share\VERSION.txt", currently set to "1.10.1-ms"

Install avrogenms tool

You can install this tool globally or locally, I prefere to do it locally.

To install the tool:

  • open command prompt on "Avro.sampleMultiSchema" folder (you can do it on any folder but just keep it as root folder for all other steps)
  • run command:

Local install (on folder "Avro.sampleMultiSchema\tool"):

> dotnet tool install --tool-path .\tool --add-source ..\..\..\..\lang\csharp\src\apache\codegen\bin\Debug\ Apache.Avro.Tools --version 1.10.1-ms

Global install:

> dotnet tool install --global --add-source ..\..\..\..\lang\csharp\src\apache\codegen\bin\Debug\ Apache.Avro.Tools --version 1.10.1-ms

you should have message as:

You can invoke the tool using the following command: avrogenms. Tool '' (version '1.10.1-ms') was successfully installed.

The project Avro.sampleMultiSchema contains 2 schema files that are used to test. To generate C# classes from these files just build project Avro.sampleMultiSchema. Or run the tool from command line as follow:

Avro.sampleMultiSchema>.\tool\avrogenms -ms .\avroFiles\schema01.avsc;.\avroFiles\schema02.avsc .\generated

If you build the project, the build should pass including the 2 generated C# classes from schema files. If you exectue the tool from command line, the 2 c# classes are generated at folder "Avro.sampleMultiSchema\generated"

schema01.avsc generates class generated\org\vehicule.cs which contains the field model of type CarModel which is declared on class generated\com\cars\CarModel.cs generated from schema.02.avsc.


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