Grabs all your html files into angular $templateCache and stores them in single file.
- can be run from command line (for example as npm script)
- can be required from another script
- can print output to stdout or to a file
- supports html minification
- allows to define you own prefix and suffix
- should generate valid js file (no more .jshintignore)
- has support for typescript
Command line
nghtml2js [options] -- [fileList...]
node_modules/.bin/nghtml2js -m 'reporter.template' -s es2015 -f 'src/**/*.html' -p src/ -o src/template.js
node_modules/.bin/nghtml2js -m 'reporter.template' -s es2015 -f -p src/ -o src/template.js -- src/file1.html src/file2.htm
node_modules/.bin/nghtml2js # will load all **html files from current folder
More examples can be found in tests
files to put in templateCache. File list must be provided after --
-f, --files <glob pattern>
Glob ( pattern to find html files. To make it work in console you must put pattern in quote. Otherwise bash will break pattern
When input file list is provided and glob pattern is present then files found for glob pattern and input files will be merged.
-o, --output [output file]
File in which output should be saved (will overwrite existing file content). Will print to console if not file provided.
-p, --base-path [path]
Base path to be used in you html files put into $templateCache service.
For example you files are in physically stored app/src/html but you serve them from app folder.
You can set base path to app/
and paths to the files will be fixed
-i, --ignore-missing
Do not fail when file from fileList doesn't exist or can not be loaded. When option is active missing files will not be present in generated template file
-m, --module-name
Name of the module to import in your application. 'templates' is default module name.
--service-type [service type]
The Typescript type of the AngularJS $templateCache service, to generate a file compliant with strict Typescript settings.
Will disable html minification (
All Options prefixed with --htmlmin-
will be passed directly to html-minifier. For example: --htmlmin-minifyCSS
will be passed as minifyCSS
option to html-minifier.
When you want to disable features of html-minifier then add -no- infix. For example to disable html5 processsing pass --htmlmin-no-html5
or --htmlmin-no-includeAutoGeneratedTags
. See test/htmlminOptionsParser.spec.js for examples
should skip new module creation. Will generate: .module('templates')
By default new module is created: .module('templates', [])
Skip 'use strict';
in generated file
--header [header content]
Custom header in the generated file. Just below use strict.
Custom prefix to be used in code.
When provided --module
and --no-new-module
options are ignored
Default prefix depends on --style
for browser:
for browserify:
var templatesModule = require('angular')
module.exports = templatesModule;
for es2015:
import angular from 'angular';
const templatesModule = angular
export default templatesModule;
--suffix [suffix]
Custom suffix to be used in code.
Default prefix depends on --style
--quotmark [quotmark type]
qutotation mark to use in generated code. Possible options: single|double
single by default
--whitespace [whitespace type]
Whitespace to use. Possible options: tabs|spaces
tabs bt default
-h, --help
prints help
-s, --style [style]
Code style to generate. Possible options are:
'use strict';
// file automatically generated by angular-template-cache
.module('templates', [])
.run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('test-it/first.html', '<style>\n' +
' p {\n' +
' background: red;\n' +
' }\n' +
'</style>\n' +
'\n' +
'<p class="custom class">\n' +
' Custom file\n' +
$templateCache.put('test-it/second.html', '<script>\n' +
' alert(\'hello world\')\n' +
'</script>\n' +
'\n' +
'<div>\n' +
' <b>hello</b>\n' +
'use strict';
// file automatically generated by angular-template-cache
var templatesModule = require('angular')
.module('templates', [])
.run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('test-it/first.html', '<style>\n' +
' p {\n' +
' background: red;\n' +
' }\n' +
'</style>\n' +
'\n' +
'<p class="custom class">\n' +
' Custom file\n' +
$templateCache.put('test-it/second.html', '<script>\n' +
' alert(\'hello world\')\n' +
'</script>\n' +
'\n' +
'<div>\n' +
' <b>hello</b>\n' +
module.exports = templatesModule;
'use strict';
// file automatically generated by angular-template-cache
import angular from 'angular';
const templatesModule = angular
.module('templates', [])
.run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('test-it/first.html', '<style>\n' +
' p {\n' +
' background: red;\n' +
' }\n' +
'</style>\n' +
'\n' +
'<p class="custom class">\n' +
' Custom file\n' +
$templateCache.put('test-it/second.html', '<script>\n' +
' alert(\'hello world\')\n' +
'</script>\n' +
'\n' +
'<div>\n' +
' <b>hello</b>\n' +
export default templatesModule;
- Lodash bump
- Removed security warnings from npm audit (thx @Ersel Aker)
- Dropped support for nodejs 0.12 and 4.x
- Readme updateds (thx @Brent Douglas)
- dependencies update
- added option service-type - typescript type of the AngularJS $templateCache service (thx @lmartorella)
- dependencies update
- specify list of files (#3) - file list to be transofmred can be provided instead fo glob pattern
- --ignore-missing option added. In case of file can not be read, or doesn't exists it's possible to proceed with template.js generation
Html minification supoort
Readme fixtures
Initial release