MegaDrive++ R is a modchip for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis heavily inspired by MegaDrive++ project. It uses cheap ATmega88PA microcontroller, cheap PCB and supports following features:
- Region switching: allows user to switch regions with a button combination on Player 1 controller or Reset button.
- Hold Left + Start + A for two seconds to change region to USA, Left + Start + B to change region to Europe, and Left + Start + C to change region to Japan.
- Hold Right instead of Left to change region and reset the console.
- Hold Left + Start + A + B + C to save current region to memory and use it as default every time you turn on your console.
- Hold the Reset button for more than four seconds to cycle through modes. This will reset the console.
- Button combos can be customized in common.h.
- In-game Reset: hold Start + A + B + C to reset the console.
- Dual-frequency oscillator support: PCB has a special pin for DFO control.
- Unlike MegaDrive++, it doesn't support reset level autosensing, so to use it on boards with active-high reset signal you'll need to comment out a line in common.h. Note that this is untested: I don't own any consoles with active-high reset.
- Suggested PCB layout is optimized for Model 2 VA1 board.
Visit wiki for installation diagram for Model 2 VA1 board.