This container will poll the Docker Swarm cluster for all published ports and update the cluster ELB.
Example project: Terraform docker-swarm
Uses the docker python API to query the running stacks/services with published ports and updates the ELB to map those ports on it.
Parameter | Example | Description |
DEBUG | True | Enable debug logging |
ELB_CONFIG | - | Path to a valid controller config file |
AWS_REGION | eu-central-1 | AWS Region ID |
POLL_INTERVAL | 3 | Time in seconds to sleep between polls |
This configuration list the target ELB for each network and a default, this should add support for clusters present on multiple networks.
[main] testELB-Name testELB-Name
default: testELB-Name
docker run -d \
--name=elb-aws \
--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /var/lib/docker/swarm:/var/lib/docker/swarm \
-e ELB_CONFIG=/var/lib/docker/swarm/elb.cfg \
-e DEBUG=True \