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Pelleum Backend API

This repository contains code relevant to Pelleum's backend API. This API responds to requests sent from Pelleum's frontend mobile application.

Local Development Instructions

Setup Virtual Environment

  • Run python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
  • Run python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
  • Run python3 -m venv env
  • Activate virtual environment with source env/bin/activate
  • Install packages with python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • See "Makefile Targets" section for Makefile setup

Updating Requirements

  1. With an activated virtual environment, run pip freeze >
  2. Run make requirements.txt

Migrating Database Schemas

To migrate a new table or make a change to an existing table:

  1. Add a new model file or change an existing one found in the /models directory
  2. Run: make migration rev_id=<YOUR REVISION ID> migration_message="your migration message" Example: make migration rev_id=0002 migration_message="Added payments table"
  • This will auto-generate alembic files in the /migrations/versions directory, which are used for migration
  1. From there, provided you have a docker postgreSQL database up and running (docker-compose up -d db), you can migrate your changes by running make migrate

Run the API (Locally)

  • Install Docker
  • Set environment variables in .env file in the project's root directory (get from senior engineer)
  • Run docker-compose up -d db (this spins up a local PostgreSQL database for the API to utilize)
  • Run make run (this runs server locally)

Makefile Targets

The following are helpful commands that utilize this project's Makefile. To ensure theses work for you, do the following:

  1. Install make. If on MacOS, you can use Homebrew.
  2. Add alias make='gmake' to your bash_profile (or similar), which you can access at ~/.bash_profile. After adding this, you'll need to restart your terminal for it to take effect.
  3. make --version should be 4.3 or higher.
  • make run: runs the API locally
  • make build: builds the app's docker image
  • make push: pushes image to Docker Hub
  • make format: formats the code using black and sorts imports using isort. Running this target is necessary for continuous integration.
  • make test: starts continuous integration, which includes running all unit tests
  • make migration: see "Migrating Database Schemas" section
  • make migrate: migrates a schema to a target database


Manually Test API Calls

  • Can use Postman to test calls (Can get Postman collection from senior engineer)
  • Can also test calls via API Docs

Continuous Integration

As mentioned above, continuous integration is initiated by running make test. Running this command will:

  1. Spin up the application's docker container a test postgreSQL database docker container for tests to utilize
  2. Lint the code using Pylint
  3. Check the code's format
  4. Configure the newly spun up database
  5. Run unit tests

Note: These docker containers utilize a tests.env file.

Run Unit Tests Manually

Unit tests can be run manually by running invoke tests or by running them individually using your IDE. Before running them, be sure to:

  1. Spin up the test postgreSQL docker container by running docker-compose up -d test_db
  2. Create account_connections schema using PgAdmin or by running: CREATE SCHEMA account_connections.
  3. Migrate database tables by running alembic upgrade head (you can temporarily change the database URL in the file to run alembic against the test database)


Push Image to Docker Hub

  • Run docker login, get credentials from Bitwarden
  • Run docker build -t pelleum/pelleum-api . (or make build) to build the docker image
  • Run docker push pelleum/pelleum-api (or make push) to push the image to Docker Hub
  • Verify that the image has been updated in Docker Hub

Deploy Cluster in AWS

  • Update pelleum-api service in AWS console
  • Make sure to use latest version and check the "Force new deployment" box
  • Verify by viewing logs in CloudWatch


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