Sarazon is a simple e-commerce app inspired by Amazon.
This is a didactic project I started to practice with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React.js, Node.js). It's been also a good chance to implement routing with ReactRouter and try out PrimeReact UI framework. The project is currently still in progress.
To run this project, you need to have MongoDB installed and running on your machine.
Firts clone the repo.
Next, from the project folder, install the dependencies:
npm i
Set the environment variable for encrypting JSON web tokens
On Mac:
export sarazon_jwtPrivateKey=yourSecureKey
On Windows Powershell:
$env:sarazon_jwtPrivateKey = 'yourSecureKey'
Now populate the Database:
node seed.js
And then start the server
node index.js
This will launch the Node server on port 3090. If that port is busy, you can set a different port in config/default.json.