A custom web component that can be used in web applications or websites. It provides a container for several types of messages to a user, such as "success", "error", "warning", "forbidden", "info", "tag" and more. Almost all message icons are based upon iconocss. There is also option to listen the message on browsers supporting SpeechSynthesis of the Web Speech API.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
$ npm install pd-bubble
npm test
✓ checks if browser can use speechSynthesis from Web Speech API, return will be true or false
✓ this is the messages queue it is an empty array [] upon initialization
✓ loads speech synthesis utterance
✓ check if bubble messages are enforced to be spoken upon click
✓ this is the delay time that a user can set for each bubble as a threshold in the total delay time until the bubble closes. Value should be 0 in the constructor
✓ @font-face string containing the appropriate CSS for the icon fonts used
✓ check that string holds certain CSS rules
✓ Checks that component is attached to DOM and is equal to
✓ Checks that component is attached to DOM and has empty innerHTML
✓ Checks speechSynthesisUtterance after custom element is rendered
✓ Checks speechSynthesis selected language "en-US" after being checked if it is supported by Web Speech API
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "warning"
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "forbidden"
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "error"
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "info"
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "tag"
✓ Get foreground and background colors of the message bubble on type "success"
_✓ Creates a message bubble of type - warning
✓ Creates a message bubble of type - error
✓ Creates a message bubble of type - forbidden
✓ Creates a message bubble of type - tag
✓ Creates a message bubble of type - info
✓ Creates a message bubble of type - success
Adding bubble messages by changing text attribute on a rendered element
✓ pd-bubble
✓ should return -1 when the value is not present. This is a demo test to check that the response from the testing framework is ok.
Add the custom element tag to your HTML page.
The element's parameters are:
- speakit (boolean - default false). Setting it to true gives the ability to the user to hear the message upon click on browsers supporting SpeechSynthesis.
- delay (integer default 0). This is a delay time that is added on the overall delay time of each bubble. After that overall delay time each message bubble is removed using a simple fade-up effect. To calculate the overall time a simple formula is used
overall message delay time = delay + (number of words in a message)*750ms
- text (text message default null). The actual message with a prefix used to determine the type for example
<pd-bubble speakit="true" delay="3000" text=""></pd-bubble>
To display various messages simply add the type followed by #:
, in front of the message e.g. warning#: and use javascript to set the text attribute of the element.
customElements.whenDefined('pd-bubble').then(() => {
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","warning#: Bubble container for a \"Warning\" message.");
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","forbidden#: Bubble container for a \"Forbidden\" message.");
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","error#: Bubble container for an \"Error\" message.");
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","info#: Bubble container for an \"Info\" message.");
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","tag#: Bubble container for a \"Tag\" message.");
document.querySelector("pd-bubble:defined").setAttribute("text","success#: Bubble container for a \"Success\" message.");
Additional CSS
is used to position the messages container pd-bubble.
body {
width: 100%;
:host {
display: block;
pd-bubble:not(:defined) {
display: none;
pd-bubble:defined {
position: sticky;
width: 20%;
top: 0;
z-index: 99999;
float: right;
height: auto;
margin: 2% 5% 0% 70%;
display: block;
padding: 0;
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request 😁
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- test-utils.js can be found in https://github.com/github/custom-element-boilerplate