A collection of custom functions made for Google Sheets / Google Scripts.
Summary :
How to use it ?
- Simply open a Google Sheets file and go to Tools > Script editor.
- Copy paste the functions you want (you should better create new script files if you want to use a lot of custom functions).
- Save and go back to your Sheets file.
- Begin to use the function in your cells the same way you are doing it with native functions !
- BITLYshortener : Generate a short bit.ly link.
- BITLYunshortener : Retrieve the original (long) url from a bit.ly link.
- BITLYclick : Get the number of clicks from a bit.ly link.
bit.ly API credentials are required, see the configuration steps on the file
- TWITTERsearchCount : Get the number of published tweets with the specified searched term, hashtag or twitter query (from the 7 previous days maximum).
- TWITTERfollowersCount : Get the number of "followers" from the specified account.
- TWITTERfollowingsCount : Get the number of "followings" from a specified account.
Twitter API credentials are required, see the configuration steps on the file
- UTMtag : Generate a Google UTM tag to append to a link.
- headLookup : Get the head row value of a searched term, from a multi-dimensional range.
- rangeLookup : Get the lookup (vertical) value from a multi-dimensional range.
- crossLookup : Get the the crossing value between a vertical and an horizontal search from a multi-dimensional range (Vloolup and Hlookup combined), with two possible search for both vertical and horizontal lookups.
- removeACCENT : Replace every accented characters by non-accented version.
- encodeURI : Encode a regular text (ISO 8859-1) to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
- decodeURI : Decode an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to regular text (ISO 8859-1).
- encodeHTML : Encode a regular text (ISO 8859-1) to HTML one.
- decodeHTML : Decode an HTML text to regular one (ISO 8859-1).
- encodeUTF8 : Encode a regular text (ISO 8859-1) to UTF8.
- decodeUTF8 : Decode UTF8 text to regular one (ISO 8859-1).
- toString : Convert a value into a string.
How to use it ?
- Simply open a Google Sheets file and go to Tools > Script editor.
- Copy paste the app you want.
- Read and follow the Script configuration steps.
This script sync your AirTable datas to a Google Sheets document
It can be used with a clock trigger to have automatic updates.
Options available : sync one or multiple bases/views, sync all columns or only selected ones, store attachments to Google Drive...
The code is an improved version of robiningelbrecht work.
This script log tweets informations to a Google Sheets document, based on searched term, hashtag or twitter query.
It can be used with a clock trigger to have automatic updates.
The tweet informations logged are : date, username, user handle, tweet id, user followers count, user followings count, tweet text, retweets count, likes count, tweet status, RT reply user, RT reply id.