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Puppet module for installing Docker from the official repository on Ubuntu or from EPEL on RedHat based distributions.

This module is also available on the Puppet Forge

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This modules is currently tested on:

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Centos 6.5
  • Ubuntu 12.04

It may work on other distros and other operating systems will be supported in the future.


The module includes a single class:

include 'docker'

By default this sets up the docker hosted Apt repository and installs the lxc-docker package and any required Kernel extensions.

If you don't want this module to mess about with your Kernel then you can disable this feature like so:

class { 'docker':
  manage_kernel => false,

If you want to configure your package sources independently, inform this module to not auto-include upstream sources:

class { 'docker':
  use_upstream_package_source => false,

By default the docker daemon will bind to a unix socket at /var/run/docker.sock. This can be changed, as well as binding to a tcp socket if required.

class { 'docker':
  tcp_bind    => 'tcp://',
  socket_bind => 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock',

Unless specified this installs the latest version of docker from the docker inc repository. However if you want to specify a specific version you can do so:

class { 'docker':
  version => '0.5.5',

In some cases dns resolution won't work well in the container unless you give a dns server to the docker daemon like this:

class { 'docker':
  dns => '',

The class contains lots of other options, please see the inline code documentation for the full options.


The next step is probably to install a docker image, for this we have a defined type which can be used like so:

docker::image { 'base': }

This is equivalent to running docker pull base. This is downloading a large binary so on first run can take a while. For that reason this define turns off the default 5 minute timeout for exec. Takes an optional parameter for installing image tags that is the equivalent to running docker pull -t="precise" ubuntu:

docker::image { 'ubuntu':
  image_tag => 'precise'

Note: images will only install if an image of that name does not already exist.

You can also remove images you no longer need with:

docker::image { 'base':
  ensure => 'absent'

docker::image { 'ubuntu':
  ensure    => 'absent',
  image_tag => 'precise'


Now you have an image you can run commands within a container managed by docker.

docker::run { 'helloworld':
  image   => 'base',
  command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"',

This is equivalent to running the following under upstart:

docker run -d base /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"

Run also contains a number of optional parameters:

docker::run { 'helloworld':
  image           => 'base',
  command         => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"',
  ports           => ['4444', '4555'],
  expose          => ['4666', '4777'],
  links           => ['mysql:db'],
  use_name        => true,
  volumes         => ['/var/lib/couchdb', '/var/log'],
  volumes_from    => '6446ea52fbc9',
  memory_limit    => 10485760, # bytes
  username        => 'example',
  hostname        => '',
  env             => ['FOO=BAR', 'FOO2=BAR2'],
  dns             => ['', ''],
  restart_service => true,
  privileged      => false,

Ports, expose, env, dns and volumes can be set with either a single string or as above with an array of values.

To use an image tag just append the tag name to the image name separated by a semicolon:

docker::run { 'helloworld':
  image   => 'ubuntu:precise',
  command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"',


Puppet module for managing docker







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