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A Flexible Latex-Like Markup (FLM) language

This package provides a simple parser and formatter for a custom markup language that is inspired by LaTeX syntax.

The syntax of FLM is essentially a subset of standard LaTeX commands, including macros, environments, and some characters that have a special meaning; these features are parsed in a loosely similar fashion to usual LaTeX code.

The framework is meant to be very easily extendible and customizable. The parser is based on the upcoming version 3 of pylatexenc (currently in pre-release on pypi).

FLM is used to write the contents of the Error Correction Zoo in a way that is intuitive for scientists, flexible, and robust. It is easily extensible and closely resembles the LaTeX langauge that many scientists are familiar with. FLM pushes further one of the core insights of LaTeX, namely, that the code should describe document contents in an intuitive way, as a markup language, while disregarding as much as possible the details of how that contents will be typeset. The final typesetting is fully customizable, e.g., through CSS styling of its HTML output (including the use of templates).

I intended to call this project "LLM" as an acronym for Latex-Like Markup, but had to revise my choice after the astronomical growth of large language models.

You can install FLM with pip:

$ pip install flm-core

Example mydocument.flm:

title: Kitaev's Surface Code
\section{Kitaev's Surface Code}

The \emph{stabilizers} of the \textit{surface code} on the 2-dimensional
torus are generated by star operators \(A_v\) and plaquette operators
\(B_p\).  Each star operator is a \textbf{product} of four Pauli-\(X\)
operators on the edges adjacent to a vertex \(v\) of the lattice; each
plaquette operator is a product of four Pauli-\(Z\) operators applied to
the edges adjacent to a face, or plaquette, \(p\) of the lattice

  \caption{Stabilizer generators and logical operators of the 2D surface
    code on a torus.  The star operators \(A_v\) and the plaquette
    operators \(B_p\) generate the stabilizer group of the toric code.
    The logical operators are strings that wrap around the torus.}


To compile your document into an HTML page, use:

$ flm mydocument.flm -o mydocument.html --format=html --template=simple

You can then open the mydocument.html file in your browser.

This is work in progress!

This project is still early in an active development stage, and there might still be a few bugs around. You can expect the API to still change pretty drastically. Feel free to share ideas!

Use as a command-line tool

You can use flm in command-line mode to compile your documents:

$ flm mydocument.flm

Run flm --help to get a list of options. They should be fairly standard and/or self-explanatory:

# output to file mydocument.html, format HTML, including skeleton
# HTML structure with minimal CSS.
$ flm mydocument.flm -o mydocument.html --format=html --template=simple

Available formats are html, text, latex, and markdown. Formats text, markdown, and latex are very experimental! (You can also generate pdf output with the options --workflow=runlatexpdf --format=pdf if your system has a standard LaTeX distribution such as TeXLive installed)

  • Additional HTML Templates: The --template= option can be used to change the template used to render the document. See also the flm-templates extension package for some additional templates and template engines. You can try:

    > pip install flm-templates flm-htmlplus

    and then

    > flm mydocument.flm -o output.html -w flm_htmlplus -P 'pkg:flm_templates' -t sunset

    Or try the template -t oldtextbook.

  • Citations from arXiv & DOI: Automatically fetch citations from the arXiv, DOI x-references, or other sources using the flm-citations extension package (see README file there). Install the extension package using pip:

    > pip install flm-citations

    And then try to compile, e.g., the following FLM document:

      - pkg:flm_citations
    Let's cite Kitaev's surface code~\cite{doi:10.1070/RM1997v052n06ABEH002155,doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-5923-8_19,arXiv:quant-ph/9707021}. ...
  • Theorems and proofs: Use the environments \begin{theorem}..\end{theorem}, {lemma}, {proposition}, {definition}, {remark}, etc. for typesetting theorems. You can pin labels to theorem statements \label{thm:XYZ} (use the thm: or x: prefixes regardless of the theorem type, so you can easily change it without having to update the label). These environments accept an optional argument so you can specify a title, e.g. \begin{theorem}[Euler's theorem] ... \end{theorem}. Typeset proofs with \begin{proof} ... \end{proof}. The proof's optional argument enjoys an additional syntax: use \begin{proof}[*thm:XYZ] ... to typeset Proof (Theorem 3) (with the correct theorem reference using its label, which must match the one specified to the theorem's \label command). Use \begin{proof}[**thm:XYZ] ... to simply typeset Proof as usual, but in this way you have the information about which theorem the proof is directly at hand; if you later move it around there is no ambiguity as to which theorem the proof is associated with. It is also the same syntax as supported by the phfthm latex package which is able to produce hyperlinks between theorems and their proofs.

Document Front Matter

FLM Documents can contain YAML front matter that specify (i) options for the FLM parser, (ii) which features to enable, and (iii) additional document metadata such as a title.

title: 'My FLM document'
     dollar_inline_math_mode: True
         - category_name: footnote
           counter_formatter: unicodesuperscript
           heading_title: 'Footnotes'
           endnote_command: 'footnote'

Hello, \emph{world}. Inline math can now also be typeset
as $a$ and $b$.  ...


You can use the $import: directive to import a configuration from an external file, URL, or extension package:

  - my-flm-config.yaml # merge my-flm-config.yaml into this config.

# you can still specify configuration to merge with here ...

The $import: target can specify multiple configurations to import. Each list item can be a absolute or relative file path ($import: 'my-flm-config.yaml' or $import: /path/to/my/flm-config.yaml), a URL ($import:, or a fully qualified python package name introduced with pkg:package_name (e.g., $import: pkg:flm_citations). If a package name is specified to the $import directive, the package is loaded and the default FLM configuration is extracted from it and included (the flm_default_import_config attribute of the module is read; it is assumed to be a dictionary or a callable that returns a dictionary). You can optionally follow the package name by a path to specify submodules/attributes to read instead of flm_default_import_config; e.g., pkg:mypackage/foo/bar will import the module mypackage and import the configuration dictionary stored in FLM extention plugin/package authors can use this feature to offer preset customization configurations that can easily be included with pkg:some_flm_extension_package/some/preset/name.

Parser configuration

Here's a basic parser configuration that you can adapt:

    # Enable/Disable comments as in LaTeX, led by ‘%%’
    enable_comments: true
    # This string initiates a comment up to the end of
    # the line, if comments are enabled.  By default we
    # require TWO '%' signs to avoid accidental comments
    # (e.g., "... is up 10% from ...")
    comment_start: '%%'
    # Enable/Disable math mode with $ signs as in LaTeX
    # in addition to \( ...\)
    dollar_inline_math_mode: false
    # Force parsing of the content in block-level mode
    # (paragraphs).  Here ‘null’ means to auto-detect
    force_block_level: null

Renderer configuration (html, text, latex, markdown)

Here's a basic renderer configuration that you can adapt for HTML output (--format=html):

      use_link_target_blank: false
      html_blocks_joiner: ''
      # use ‘headings_tags_by_level: null’ for defaults
        1: h1
        2: h2
        3: h3
        4: span
        5: span
        6: span
      inline_heading_add_space: true

Here's a basic renderer configuration that you can adapt for text output (--format=text):

      display_href_urls: true

Here's a basic renderer configuration that you can adapt for LaTeX output (--format=latex):

        1: "section"
        2: "subsection"
        3: "subsubsection"
        4: "paragraph"
        5: "subparagraph"
        6: null

Here's a basic renderer configuration that you can adapt for Markdown output (--format=markdown):

      use_target_ids: 'github' # or 'anchor' or 'pandoc' or null

Features and their configuration

Many FLM features are organized explicitly into feature classes which can be enabled or disabled at wish. Features include:

  • enumeration (\begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate}) and itemization (\begin{itemize}...\end{itemize}) lists

  • floats: figures and tables (\begin{figure}...\end{figure})

  • headings (\section{...} etc.)

  • etc.

Features can be selected and configured directly in the FLM config metadata. For instance the following configuration is extracted from the default feature configuration when you run FLM:

    # list features that should be available here.
          # here null means to use defaults
          counter_formatter: null
            - "\u2022"
            - '-'
            - "\u25B8"
    refs: {}
        - category_name: footnote
          counter_formatter: alph
          endnote_command: footnote
          heading_title: Footnotes
        include_headings_at_level: 1
        set_headings_target_ids: true
        endnotes_heading_title: null
        endnotes_heading_level: 1
        - counter_formatter: Roman
          float_caption_name: Fig.
          float_type: figure
          content_handlers: ['any', 'includegraphics', 'cells']
        - counter_formatter: Roman
          float_caption_name: Tab.
          float_type: table
          content_handlers: ['cells']

    defterm: {}
    graphics: {}

          # Loosely equivalent to \newcommand\mymacro{Substitution \emph{code}}
            content: 'Substitution \emph{code}'
          # \newcommand\greet[2][Hello]{#1, #2!}
            arguments_spec_list: '[{'
            content: '#1, #2!'
              1: 'Hello'
          # Same, but with named arguments -> \greeet
              - parser: '['
                argname: 'the_greeting'
              - parser: '{'
                argname: 'person_name'
              the_greeting: 'Hello'
            content: '\textit{#{the_greeting}: #{person_name}}'
          # Macro with different definitions in text mode and in math mode:
              textmode: null
              mathmode: '\mathbb{1}'

Additional Features such as Citations

Additional features can be imported in the flm config. They can reside in other python packages. Some day I'll properly document how to write new features. For now, check out the examples in flm/feature/ (and keep in mind that the APIs are still likely to change!).

To include for instance the citations feature provided by the flm-citations package, install that package and use the config:

  - pkg:flm_citations
  - bibpreset.yaml
  - anotherbibtest.json

Citations are organized by citation prefix and are automatically retrieved depending on the type of citation. By default:

  • Citations of the form arxiv:<arXiv ID> are automatically retrieved from the arXiv API
  • Citations of the form doi:<DOI> are automatically retrieved from
  • Citations of the form manual:{Manual citation} add the manual citation itself as a citation
  • Citations of the form bib:key look up key in one of the specified bibliography files. The bibliography files are expected to be CSL-JSON or CSL-YAML files. (Sorry, no bibtex for now.)

You can of course configure all of that manually. Check out the code in the flm-citations repo for more insight. Doc will hopefully come soon.

Using the flm package

Needs doc.

Example. Converting FLM to HTML

Note: Math is simply marked with <span class=...> tags for use with MathJax.


from flm.flmenvironment import make_standard_environment
from flm.stdfeatures import standard_features
from flm.fragmentrenderer.html import HtmlFragmentRenderer

environ = make_standard_environment(features=standard_features())

# suppose we have fragments of FLM text
fragment_1 = environ.make_fragment(r'Hello, \emph{world}.')
fragment_2 = environ.make_fragment(
    r'''Here's a question: \(1+2=?\)
\item 1
\item 2
\item 3

# we can define a callback to render these fragments within an
# HTML page. The advantage of doing so is that different fragments
# can "see" each other! (E.g., for \ref's, etc.) This feature can
# be useful especially in combination with template engines.
def render_fn(render_context):
    return (
        + "<div>" + fragment_1.render(render_context) + "</div>\n"
        + fragment_2.render(render_context) + "\n"
        + "</main>"

doc = environ.make_document(render_fn)

fragment_renderer = HtmlFragmentRenderer()
result_html, render_context = doc.render(fragment_renderer)

# *** Prints:
# <main>
# <div>Hello, <span class="textit">world</span>.</div>
# <p>Here&#x27;s a question: <span class="inline-math">\(1+2=?\)</span></p>
# <dl class="enumeration enumerate"><dt>(a)</dt><dd><p>1</p></dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd><p>2</p></dd><dt>(c)</dt><dd><p>3</p></dd></dl>
# </main>

A Javascript FLM library

You can transpile the core part of this library to Javascript using Transcrypt. See the flm-js subfolder for more details.


A Flexible Latex-like Markup (FLM) language







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