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Rock Advisor Web

Description goes here.

Install Software

This uses vagrant (and VirtualBox) to setup a virtual machine which will host the development application.

  • Install VirtualBox

  • Install Vagrant

  • Get homestead vagrant box:

      vagrant box add laravel/homestead
  • PHP -- so you can run composer. or

  • PHP though XAMPP. XAMPP Download Page Do this if using Windows

  • (Optional) Get Composer and install it globally from: Composer Download Page. If you install this globally then you need to slightly tweak the composer lines below. You will not need the text php composer at the start of the commands.

  • (Optional) to avoid some headaches with ssh keys on Windows get SourceTree

Getting a Development Version Running

  • clone project:

      git clone ...
      cd rockadvisorweb


  • using the SourceTree GUI:

      Clone / New
      Source Path / URL == HTTPS link from BitBucket - EG ""
      Destination Path == Development Directory of your choice.
  • Skip this step if you installed Composer globally.

Install composer packages for rockadvisorweb:###

  • Open GitBash in rockadvisorweb directory:

      php composer.phar install --no-scripts
      php composer.phar install


      composer install

    This creates the "vendors" folder.

  • Configure homestead configuration files for the vagrant box:

      php vendor/bin/homestead make
  • Launch vagrant box:

      vagrant up
  • Copy (and modify) sample .env.exmaple file to .env

      cp .env.example .env
  • Generate fresh application key (in .env):

      php artisan key:generate
  • SSH into virtual machine:

      vagrant ssh
    • Change to the development directory:

        cd rockadvisorweb
    • Set up database:

        php artisan migrate
    • Seed database:

        php artisan db:seed


        php artisan db:seed --class=ExampleDataDatabaseSeeder
  • Exit SSH session

  • Visit: http://rockadvisorweb-dev (you will need to edit your hosts file - see below)


The rockadvisorweb uses the following (html/css/js) libraries:

  • None

Editing Your Hosts File

You can access the nice "fake" URL by editing your hosts file. This basically stops your operating system doing a normal DNS lookup - you hard code the IP address of this "fake URL". You will only need to do this once.

You will need to change your hosts file to include the line    rockadvisorweb-dev

This file is found at c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

Permission Problems

If you get permission denied errors try running:

    php artisan cache:clear 
    chmod -R 777 app/storage 
    php composer dump-autoload


University dissertation project






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