19 August 2011
by Phil Christensen
A command-line app to watch IMAP folders. Watch multiple folders across several servers, and optionally issue Growl notifications when new messages are found.
Clone the repo:
git clone git://github.com/philchristensen/imap-watch.git
Install setuptools git support:
easy_install setuptools_git
If you have a Mac, and want to use Growl notifications, install Growl-py:
easy_install growl_py
Install the package:
python setup.py install
To create a sample config file, run imap-watch once at the command line. This will generate an INI-based config file in ~/.imap-watch
host = mail.example.com
port = 143
secure = False
username = joe
password = secret
mailbox = INBOX
growl = False
markseen = False
Create as many sections as you want. All options are required; here's one I use to monitor a folder of Jira notification messages:
host = mail.myserver.com
port = 993
secure = True
username = phil
password = *********
mailbox = Jira
growl = True
markseen = True
By setting 'markseen' to True, messages will automatically be marked as seen when a notification is displayed.
Once you're properly configured, add the following to your crontab:
*/5 * * * * /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/imap-watch
This will scan the IMAP folder every 5 minutes.