These are the main projects from the JS Udemy course that I completed while learning javascript
- Tasklist:
- DOM and Local Storage
- Materialize Frontend framework and font-awesome CDN
- Loan Calculator:
- DOM and User experience
- Bootstrap CDN
- Number Guesser:
- DOM and and code optimization
- Simple validation and error messages
- Skeleton Frontend framework CDN
- Booklist:
- Object Oriented Programming:
- ESC5 Protype Methods and constructors
- Esc6 Classes and constructors
- ESC6 static methods
- Local Storage and DOM traversing
- Object Oriented Programming:
- CustomHttpLibraries:
- easyhttp1:
- Using Esc5 Prototype methods and Callbacks
- Ajax and XHR to make Request
- test with Restful API called JSONplaceholder
- easyhttp2:
- Using Esc6 Classes and Promises
- Using Fetch to make Request
- easyhttp3:
- Using Esc6 Classes and Async/Await and Fetch
- easyhttp1:
- Github Finder:
- Bootstrap4 and Bootswatch CDN for the UI
- Async/Await
- Fetch with Github API
- WeatherJS: API
- Profile Scroller: Generators
- Tracalorie: Module Pattern
- Microposts: Webpack & Modules