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Mautic Theme (with tokens) by PIGEONPOSSE™

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🗒 Description

A theme for Mautic developed by PigeonPosse.

This theme is identical to the official PigeonPosse Mautic theme but with tokens and custom tokens. The custom tokens are added in your Mautic with the plugin Mautic Extra Tools, which means that for this theme to work, the Mautic Extra tools plugin must be installed.

🗝 Prerequisites

  1. A Mautic installation.
  2. A Mautic Extra Tools plugin installation.

🔑 Installation

The installation can be done in several ways like:

⚡️ Fast

  1. Download github project.
  2. Compress all the files in a .zip and name it pigeonposse-theme
  3. Go to the themes section of your Mautic
  4. Upload your .zip file from the install field and press the install button,

📚 Manual

  1. Download or clone this project into your Mautic /themes folder.
  2. Clean your Mautic cache. There are two options to do that:
    • Remove cache folder "prod":
       # For Mautic 3.x: 
       rm -r {YourMauticDirectory}/var/cache/prod 
       # For Mautic 2.x:
       rm -r {YourMauticDirectory}/app/cache/prod
    • Execute Mautic cache command:
       # For Mautic 3.x: 
       php {YourMauticDirectory}/bin/console cache:clear
       # For Mautic 2.x:
       php {YourMauticDirectory}/app/console cache:clear
  3. You should now see the PigeonPosse theme in your list of themes.

⚙️ Usage

The use of this theme is like any other of Mautic, the only difference is that as this theme depends on the custom tokens of Mautic Extra Tools plugin, these tokens have to be created manually. We have made a guide of recommendations of how those tokens should be.

To see recommendations and examples:

Read more

👨‍💻 Development

  • About Mautic development:

    Check docs

  • About Symfony development:

    Check docs

☕ Donate

Help us to develop more interesting things.


📝 History

Read about the history of the project.

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📜 License

This software is licensed with GPLv3 (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3)

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🐦 About us

PigeonPosse is a ✨ code development collective ✨ focused on creating practical and interesting tools that help developers and users enjoy a more agile and comfortable experience. Our projects cover various programming sectors and we do not have a thematic limitation in terms of projects.



Name Role GitHub
AngelEspejo Author @AngelEspejo
PigeonPosse Collective @PigeonPosse