A sellection of essential io-ts types for decoding io like url queries and such.
npm i @piing/io-types
import * as io from "io-ts"
import { ArrayFromJSONString } from "@piing/io-types/lib/ArrayFromJSONString"
import { Nullable } from "@piing/io-types/lib/Nullable"
import { YesNoBool } from "@piing/io-types/lib/YesNoBool"
const JSONNumberArray = ArrayFromJSONString(io.number);
const JSONStringArray = ArrayFromJSONString(io.string);
JSONNumberArray.decode("[1,2,3]") // right [1,2,3]
JSONStringArray.decode(`["foo", "bar"]`) // right ["foo", "bar"]
const NullableNumber = Nullable(io.number)
NullableNumber.decode(null) // right null
NullableNumber.decode(1) // right 1
YesNoBool.decode("yes") // right true
YesNoBool.decode("no") // right false