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A from-scratch machine learning algorithm for classification/regression that eliminates backpropagation of errors.


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This project develops and uses a novel binary classification - supervised learning technique and compares its performance other standard machine learning techniques. The method used here is referred to as alpha splaying and its implementation can be found in src/ The implemented technique is feed-forward in that it doesn't use update procedures or loss functions to improve the classification metrics.

Dataset Description

For this project, we will be using 9 well known - openly available classification datasets. Since the method developed in this project uses a decision boundary separating two clusters, we're using binary classification datasets. Note that the Wine dataset used here originally has 3 classes, but for this project, we're only considering the first two classes.

Dataset: Arrhythmia

This dataset consists of mainly linear valued attributes extracted from electro-cardiograms and labels indicating normal values and 15 types of arrhythmia. The 15 arrhythmia classes were reduced to one, which leaves us with a binary classification dataset with labels indicating presence of arrhythmia and normal behaviour.

Number of attributes: 274
Number of records: 452
Num Class 0: 245
Num Class 1: 207

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #4 0.68621
Feature #193 0.68375
Feature #161 0.32691
Feature #163 0.33578
Feature #191 0.66349
Feature #271 0.34311
Feature #273 0.34369
Feature #173 0.34795
Feature #171 0.36207
Feature #201 0.36603

Consists of data extracted using Wavelet transform from images of bank notes to determine if the notes were genuine or forged. The data consists of continuous real valued attributes and two classes (real or forged).

Number of attributes: 4
Number of records: 1372
Num Class 0: 762
Num Class 1: 610

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #0 0.07267
Feature #1 0.25077
Feature #2 0.53578
Feature #3 0.48097

Data representing blood donation recency, frequency, volume, and time since first donation of donors at a university. The class labels represent whether of not the person donated blood in March 2007.

Number of attributes: 4
Number of records: 748
Num Class 0: 570
Num Class 1: 178

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #0 0.30212
Feature #1 0.64576
Feature #2 0.64576
Feature #3 0.48097

Consists of features describing the characteristics of cell nuclei extracted from fine needle aspirate of breast masses. The first attribute is ID number, which shouldn't be used for classification and was removed before computing AUC values and analyses. The remaining attributes are real valued features. The labels describe if the tissue is malignant or benign.

Number of attributes: 30
Number of records: 569
Num Class 0: 357
Num Class 1: 212

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #22 0.97545
Feature #20 0.97044
Feature #23 0.96983
Feature #27 0.9667
Feature #7 0.96444
Feature #2 0.9469
Feature #3 0.93832
Feature #6 0.93783
Feature #0 0.93752
Feature #13 0.92641

Classification dataset to determine if a given patient record, consisting of age, gender, and 8 biomarkers belong to a liver patient or not.

Number of attributes: 10
Number of records: 579
Num Class 0: 165
Num Class 1: 414

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #6 0.69696
Feature #2 0.6936
Feature #3 0.68755
Feature #5 0.68479
Feature #4 0.67205
Feature #9 0.38005
Feature #8 0.39327
Feature #0 0.57968
Feature #1 0.46142
Feature #7 0.47974

Dataset: Ionosphere

The data represents radar signals collected from Goose Bay, Labrador. The signals were targeted for free electrons in the ionosphere, and "good" (represented by 'g') signals show evidence of some type of structure in the ionosphere. "Bad" signals (represented by 'b') pass through the ionosphere. A signal represented by $C(t) = A(t) + iB(t)$ is passed through an autocorrelation function described here, which results in 17 complex values. The 34 attributes are created by separating the real and imaginary values of these complex numbers.

Number of attributes: 34
Number of records: 351
Num Class 0: 126
Num Class 1: 225

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #2 0.70451
Feature #6 0.68646
Feature #26 0.32139
Feature #4 0.67859
Feature #0 0.65079
Feature #32 0.63829
Feature #30 0.63511
Feature #8 0.62469
Feature #7 0.60686
Feature #14 0.60436

Dataset: Parkinson's

Created by Max Little of the University of Oxford, this dataset has a range of measurements extracted from speech signals of people with and without Parkinson's disease. The second attribute represents the subject name and recording number, which were not required for this project and were removed prior to any analyses.

Number of attributes: 22
Number of records: 195
Num Class 0: 48
Num Class 1: 147

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #21 0.89697
Feature #18 0.89697
Feature #12 0.82589
Feature #19 0.81363
Feature #4 0.78897
Feature #6 0.7872
Feature #9 0.78508
Feature #8 0.78274
Feature #3 0.77771
Feature #7 0.77742

This consists of medical predictor variables, from female subjects of age 21 years and above, that indicate if the person has diabetes or not. The attributes are 6 discrete-continuous variables and 2 real valued variables.

Number of attributes: 8
Number of records: 768
Num Class 0: 500
Num Class 1: 268

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #1 0.78813
Feature #5 0.68757
Feature #7 0.68694
Feature #0 0.61951
Feature #6 0.6062
Feature #2 0.58646
Feature #3 0.55363
Feature #4 0.53786

Dataset: Wine

The data contains of 13 attributes obtained by performing chemical analysis of wines grown in a region of Italy, from three different cultivators. The labels represent the cultivator the wine originated from. For this project, only wines from cultivator 1 and 2 are analyzed.

Number of attributes: 13
Number of records: 130
Num Class 0: 71
Num Class 1: 59

AUC Values

Feature AUC
Feature #12 0.98663
Feature #0 0.97386
Feature #9 0.94677
Feature #6 0.88553
Feature #5 0.81308
Feature #4 0.80723
Feature #3 0.20828
Feature #2 0.71365
Feature #11 0.71067
Feature #7 0.31475



Some of the commonly used machine learning - classification algorithms include k-nearest neighbours (KNN), Bayesian learners, support-vector machines (SVM), random forests, and neural networks. Most of these models involve creating a decision boundary to separate two or more classes and often require custom parameters based on the dataset. The classification technique created in this project is based on the vector machine formulation created by Dr. Jacob Levman, which can be found here. The vector machine formulation works on the formula below.

Eq 1:

$$ class = sign(\alpha \overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{pos_{m, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}} - (1-\alpha)\overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_p}|^2}}) $$

$x_{pos_{m, n}}$: $m$ positive class samples with $n$ measurements
$x_{neg_{p, n}}$: $p$ negative class samples with $n$ measurements
$x_{test_m}$: single test sample with $n$ measurements replicated in $m$ rows
$x_{test_p}$: single test sample with $n$ measurements replicated in $p$ rows
$\gamma$: kernel parameter for RBF
$\alpha$: input bias ranging from 0 to 1
$sign(x)=1\ if\ x>0;\ sign(x)=-1\ if\ x<0$

The class of the test sample would be assigned based on the sign of the value within the $sign()$ from the above equation. For a sample to be on the decision boundary, the value within $sign()$ would have to equal 0. So, we ca re-write the above equation as follows

Eq 2:

$$ \alpha = \frac {\overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}}} {\overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{pos_{m, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}} + \overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}}}$$


  • Eq 1 uses a RBF kernel to assign the class of given testing data. Alternatively, we can use a linear kernel with the following alpha equation

$$ \alpha = \frac{\Sigma(1-\overline{(x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_p})^2})} {\Sigma(1-\overline{(x_{pos_{m, n}} - x_{test_p})^2}) + \Sigma(1-\overline{(x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_p})^2})}$$

Now, for a given set of training data and labels, a given testing input, and a given gamma value, we can determine at what value of $\alpha$ (alpha) will the testing input lie on the decision boundary. If we consider a sample from the training set as our testing sample, keeping the rest of the training set untouched, we can find the alpha value for that training sample. Further, if we repeat this for all samples in the training set individually, we can get the alpha value at which each of the samples would lie on the decision boundary. These alpha values can then be aggregated to obtain a final alpha value for the dataset and used in Eq1. However, this requires setting a fixed value for the $\gamma$ (gamma) parameter in the radial basis function (RBF) used in this classifier. As observed in SVMs, the gamma parameter varies among datasets and can lead to overfitting at high values and may not sufficiently separate the classes at low values. Some of the main influences on the gamma parameter are the number of dimensions in the input dataspace, the distribution of these features and how noisy they are.

The goal of this project is to use a range of gamma values on any given dataset and generate the alpha values for each value of gamma. These alpha values are then used as the training data to generate a next set of alpha values, which are aggregated and used to predict the class of a testing sample using Eq 1.


The first part of the project is to create a model that accepts a training set and a range of gamma values and generates a bunch of alpha values for all training samples for each gamma value. This essentially results in a $num_samples * num_gamma_values$ matrix/array. This is implemented in the class AlphaSplayer in src/ The alpha_for_all() function calculates the individual alpha values for each training sample to be on the decision boundary, keeping the rest of the training set unchanged, for all given values of gamma. Theoretically, we could aggregate the alpha values to set as the alpha for the dataset, but as mentioned earlier, we would have to select an appropriate gamma value.

Instead, we can train another instance of AlphaSplayer using the alpha values generated by the above mentioned instance and the original training labels. Naturally, the alpha values from this new instance can be used to train yet another instance of AlphaSplayer and so on. Ultimately, the goal is to have an instance whose gamma value can be set to a pre-fixed value, which works well for all datasets. Alternatively, we can use a linear kernel in the final instance so the predictions are independent of the gamma value. The class StackedAlphaSplayer, found in src/ was created to facilitate this functionality. Each instance of the AlphaSplayer class is referred as a layer in the StackedAlphaSplayer.

The predict() method in the StackedAlphaSplayer class allows us to pick the prediction method for the model. The four available options are

  • vote - calculates the prediction for each gamma value in the final layer and uses a vote to determine the final class
  • gamma_select - allows the user to specify the gamma value for the prediction equation in the final layer. The default is 1/(var * num_features), which is the default gamma value used by the sci-kit learn SVC.
  • linear - used when the final layer is an AlphaSplayer with linear kernel, which doesn't use a gamma parameter
  • return_all - returns the predictions for each gamma value in the final layer. It's the same as vote except the predictions are returned for all gamma values instead of the majority.

The gamma range used in all the models in this project was the following

GAMMA_VALUES = np.sort(np.append(np.linspace(0.1, 3, 100), np.logspace(-5, -1, 100)))

This generates 100 equally spaced points between 0.1 and 3.0, and combines it with 100 points between 10-5 and 10-1 equally spaced on the log scale.


  • The AlphaSplayer class allows the user to use a linear kernel which only gives a $1 * num_samples$ array as the gamma parameter has no influence there

  • The StackedAlphaSplayer class auto updates the gamma values to remove cases where NaN values occur in the alpha values

Alpha profiles

Considering just the alpha values from the first layer, there is a lot of change in alpha with respect to gamma for a majority of the datasets. There's also a considerable overlap between the alpha values of the positive and negative class. However, as we move through the layers, the alpha values start separating out. More accurately, the alpha values of the negative class (class 0) tend towards 1 and those of the positive class (class 1) tend towards 0. Going back to Eq 2, an alpha value of 1 would mean the term $\overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{pos_{m, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}}$ is zero, implying that the Euclidean distance of the test sample from the positive class is infinity, which makes sense as it belongs to the negative class. On the other hand, an alpha value of 0 would mean the term $\overline{e^{-\gamma |x_{neg_{p, n}} - x_{test_m}|^2}}$ is zero, implying the Euclidean distance of the test sample from the positive class is infinity.

The separation of the alpha values can be best visualized by the 2 layered model for the Bank note authentication dataset and the Parkinson's dataset shown below.

However, this isn't always the case and some noisy datasets like the ILPD and Blood transfusion datasets can have very similar looking alpha profiles for parts of both the classes.

Comparing against other models

To evaluate the StackedAlphaSplayer, we compare it against some standard classifiers available through the Sci-kit learn library. We use 5-fold stratified cross validation to get mean measures of the AUC and accuracy for each of the datasets mentioned in Q2. Two versions of the StackedAlphaSplayer (abbreviated stas), are compared in this test - single layered, and 2 layered. We use the vote, gamma_select, and the linear prediction options for both versions of the StackedAlphaSplayer to obtain the predictions.

The evaluation results are shown below for each dataset. The models are sorted by highest mean accuracy first.

Stats for dataset arrhythmia

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 0.763443 0.754372
stas_vote_1 0.73011 0.725742
mlp 0.71685 0.712361
rf_10 0.706007 0.697453
svm_lin 0.670501 0.669678
stas_linear_2 0.661514 0.642843
stas_vote_2 0.65707 0.642716
stas_linear_1 0.650427 0.636039
rf_1 0.64359 0.642907
stas_gamma_select_2 0.626276 0.600755
stas_gamma_select_1 0.550891 0.50964

Stats for dataset banknote

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 1 1
mlp 1 1
stas_linear_2 0.995623 0.996057
rf_10 0.991981 0.992129
stas_gamma_select_2 0.989064 0.990153
stas_vote_2 0.988334 0.989495
stas_linear_1 0.986877 0.988184
svm_lin 0.986147 0.98736
rf_1 0.970123 0.96934
stas_gamma_select_1 0.92129 0.920962
stas_vote_1 0.878285 0.878813

Stats for dataset bloodtransf

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_lin 0.760707 0.499123
svm_rbf 0.759445 0.598425
mlp 0.736787 0.616617
rf_10 0.672653 0.528183
rf_1 0.640671 0.521149
stas_gamma_select_2 0.611078 0.57637
stas_vote_1 0.587043 0.629875
stas_gamma_select_1 0.580367 0.633329
stas_linear_1 0.549673 0.607055
stas_vote_2 0.541682 0.580647
stas_linear_2 0.539096 0.565192

Stats for dataset breastcancer

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 0.973638 0.970417
svm_lin 0.970144 0.964627
mlp 0.970144 0.967509
stas_linear_2 0.964773 0.962272
stas_gamma_select_2 0.956032 0.952351
stas_vote_1 0.954293 0.951093
stas_vote_2 0.952507 0.949535
rf_10 0.950784 0.940714
stas_linear_1 0.950769 0.949138
stas_gamma_select_1 0.93678 0.919156
rf_1 0.91919 0.913648

Stats for dataset ilpd

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_lin 0.715022 0.5
svm_rbf 0.711574 0.499416
mlp 0.682369 0.593866
rf_10 0.644393 0.574574
rf_1 0.644303 0.576355
stas_linear_1 0.570165 0.643013
stas_vote_1 0.568396 0.663641
stas_vote_2 0.540765 0.633367
stas_linear_2 0.525157 0.626071
stas_gamma_select_2 0.523493 0.628591
stas_gamma_select_1 0.507901 0.639536

Stats for dataset ionosphere

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 0.948692 0.933795
rf_10 0.931549 0.927265
mlp 0.925996 0.904188
stas_linear_2 0.888934 0.861385
stas_vote_2 0.874648 0.836051
rf_1 0.869336 0.842581
stas_linear_1 0.868934 0.831607
svm_lin 0.866318 0.829846
stas_gamma_select_2 0.86326 0.818427
stas_vote_1 0.863179 0.839453
stas_gamma_select_1 0.7066 0.591385

Stats for dataset parkinsons

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 0.846154 0.697778
mlp 0.835897 0.716322
svm_lin 0.8 0.688851
rf_10 0.764103 0.625632
rf_1 0.748718 0.60908
stas_linear_2 0.748718 0.707931
stas_linear_1 0.74359 0.739808
stas_vote_2 0.74359 0.704483
stas_gamma_select_2 0.733333 0.662605
stas_gamma_select_1 0.712821 0.727126
stas_vote_1 0.666667 0.765517

Stats for dataset pima

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_lin 0.773483 0.725613
svm_rbf 0.770894 0.721909
mlp 0.757881 0.713613
rf_10 0.751337 0.691261
stas_gamma_select_1 0.747466 0.706639
stas_gamma_select_2 0.72925 0.719571
stas_vote_1 0.721416 0.731495
stas_linear_1 0.71881 0.717569
stas_vote_2 0.717503 0.715717
stas_linear_2 0.709702 0.727885
rf_1 0.667948 0.638545

Stats for dataset wine

mean_acc mean_auc
svm_rbf 0.992308 0.991667
rf_10 0.984615 0.983333
svm_lin 0.976923 0.977857
mlp 0.976923 0.977857
stas_linear_1 0.961538 0.965238
stas_vote_2 0.961538 0.965238
stas_gamma_select_2 0.961538 0.965238
stas_linear_2 0.961538 0.965238
rf_1 0.946154 0.945238
stas_vote_1 0.946154 0.950952
stas_gamma_select_1 0.907692 0.915714

Overall, the StackedAlphaSplayer performs in the neighbourhood of the decision tree classifier. We see the worst performance of this classifier in the blood transfusion and ILPD datasets and this was expected as the alpha profiles of both the classes in these datasets are very noisy and have a lot of similarities between the two classes. For the most part, the model with 2 layers performs similar to if not better than the model with 1 layer. The gamma_select prediction method also seems to work better for a 2 layered model as opposed to a 1 layered model as at the second layer, the predictions across the gamma values are more consistent and it doesn't really matter what gamma value you choose for the prediction.

For example, consider the gamma v/s accuracy plots for the PIMA dataset below. With the single layered approach, the accuracy ranges between ~0.76 and ~0.70 with big changes with change in gamma. However, adding the second layer constrains the accuracy between 0.7475 and 0.7295 and it is more stable with changes to gamma.

One layered model

Two layered model

We observe similar behaviour of gamma against accuracy for all the other datasets, and the plots can be found in plots/gamma_accuracies/.

To conclude, the StackedAlphaSplayer implements a feed forward learning model with no parameters being optimized to fit the training data. It performs close to the standard learning algorithms for the most part, which use some form of feedback or optimization. We could potentially use a different gamma range for each dataset and different gamma range at each of the layers within the model to improve the classification performance, but this brings us back to something similar to a feedback based model as we're adjusting the parameters to improve the accuracy/performance.


A from-scratch machine learning algorithm for classification/regression that eliminates backpropagation of errors.








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