A web app for the users to create their own account and to record the expense
- Users can register with their name, email, and password
- Users can also choose to register and login with Facebook or Google accounts
- User can create and manage their expense records
- Users can edit the detail of the expense records
- Users can filter the expense records with categories
- Users can delete the expense records
- Node.js 16.17.0
- npm 8.15.0
- MongoDB
- Open the Terminal and clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ping8601/expense-tracker/
- Use the Terminal to open the folder of the project
cd expense-tracker
- Install all the needed package with npm
npm install
Add a file .env and add required environment variables as mentioned in .env.example
Add the seed categories, seed users and seed records
npm run seed
- Start the server
npm run start
- If you see this message, the server is successfully started
Express is now listening on localhost:3000
Open your brower and enter the link http://localhost:3000 to start exploring the website!
Use this accounts in the seed data to login or create your own acocunt.
email: user1@example.com
password: 12345678
- Press control + c to end the server
- Bcryptjs 2.4.3
- Bootstrap 5.1.3
- Connect-Flash 0.1.1
- Dotenv 8.2.0
- Node.js 16.7.0
- Express 4.16.4
- Express-Handlebars 3.0.0
- Express-Session 1.17.1
- Font-awesome 5.8.1
- Method-Override 3.0.0
- Mongoose 5.9.7