General Image Procesing Pipelines
The following example will give you and idea how to use the single header only gipp.hpp
typedef Image<unsigned char,3> ImageType;
ScopedPointer< ImageFileReader<ImageType> >,
ScopedPointer< BinaryDilateImageFilter< ImageType, ImageType, typename dilate_pipe_args<ImageType>::StructuringElementType > >,
ScopedPointer< ImageFileWriter<ImageType> >
> pipe;
dilate_pipe_args<ImageType> args;
The gipp library is a header only lib ready to be used by directly including the header file src/gipp.hpp . However, to use the toolset of CLI utility apps you do need to use cmake and build. For convenience building in Linux script is available.
For QtCreator importer to work pass those during cmake gneration step:
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DITK_DIR=/home/username/ITK-4.9.0_BUILD
The CLI tool depends on the command args parsing library TCLAP