Plasm is a 'design language' for geometric and solid parametric design, developed by the CAD Group at the Universities 'La Sapienza' and 'Roma Tre' in Italy. See also:
Create a virtual environment:
python -m pip install virtualenv
python -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment.
On Windows:
python -m pip install numpy PyOpenGL
on other platforms:
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install numpy PyOpenGL
Install pyplasm:
python -m pip install --upgrade pyplasm
Test pyplasm:
python -c "from pyplasm import *; VIEW(CUBOID([1,1,1]))"
Create a conda environment:
conda create -y -n my-env -c conda-forge python=3.9 numpy pyopengl
Activate the environment:
conda activate my-env
Install pyplasm:
conda install -c scrgiorgio -y pyplasm
Simple cuboid:
python3 -c "from pyplasm import *; VIEW(CUBOID([1,1,1]))"
Other misc tests:
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
python3 examples/
To compile pyplasm, .github/workflows/build.yml
directory and resources/scripts
To push new tag:
For macosx/conda/arm64
you need to compile manually (since GitHub actions does not yet support it):
export ANACONDA_TOKEN=<your-value-here>
export GIT_TAG=<your-value-here>
export PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 # 3.9 3.10 3.11