This is an embedded project aimed at monitoring and caring for a potted plant. Device is able to monitor room temperature and humidity using the DHT11. It can also measure the soil moisture by utilizing a personally designed soil moisture sensor, influenced by Grove's Capacitor Soil Moisture Sensor. Additionally, the device is able to track time and set alarms using the DS3231 RTC module. A 16x2 Character LCD was used to display relevant information. Lastly, given the simplicity of the tasks and the low cost, the firmware was developed on an Atmega328P.
Atmel Start Configuration Files
- Switch to Adafruit BME280 sensor since it supports I2C. This will free up pins and reduce the timing issues faced with the DHT11
- Implement a Keypad module to allow user to inter inferace with device out of debug mode.
- Fix Soil moisture sensor code bugs.
- Implement I2C I/O Expander (MCP23017-E/SP-ND) to reduce number of pins used by the LCD and Keypad
- Implement reworks and design upgrades to Soil Moisture Sensor
- Design and build container for device