This project contains minimal Kubernetes ansible-based setup.
Update hosts.ini with the details of the hosts you want to run Kubernetes cluster on.
ansible-playbook -i plgrid.ini playbooks/setup-base.yml
To access Kubernetes console install the kubecfg.p12 certificate which should be created inside artifacts directory. The default credentials are set to test/test.
Login using a bearer token. To get the token run:
ansible-playbook -i plgrid.ini playbooks/setup-base.yml --tags login
Then open your browser at
https://<your host>:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
By default grafana monitoring is NOT installed. To install you can issue
ansible-playbook -i plgrid.ini playbooks/cluster/grafana
Then login to a box with port forwarding enabled (3000:localhost:3000) and issue
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=kube-prometheus-grafana -n monitoring --output=jsonpath="{}") -n monitoring 3000
helm install --name spark stable/spark --set Worker.Cpu=1000m --set Worker.Memory=6G --set Worker.CpuTargetPercentage=100 --set Worker.DaemonMemory=6G --set Worker.ExecutorMemory=6G --set Worker.Replicas=6
helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set createSparkJobNamespace=true --set sparkJobNamespace=test-ns