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Part 3: Ear Cups

ploopyco edited this page Feb 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Ear Cups

In this section, you will assemble the Ear Cups of the official Ploopy Headphones Kit.

Step 1: Prepare to assemble the Ear Cups

enter image description here You will need the following 3D-printed components:

  • 2 Ear Cup Base
  • 2 Ear Cup Inner Rings
  • 2 Ear Cup Outer Rings
  • 2 Resonators

You will need the following hardware:

  • 2 Ear Cup Foams
  • 2 Ear Cup Woven Covers (the short Woven Covers)

Step 2: Practice inserting the Ear Cup Inner Ring into the Woven Cover

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  • (!) The Ear Cup Inner Ring is the smaller of the two rings that you have.
  • Inserting the Ear Cup Inner Ring into the Woven Cover can be a bit tricky. During this step, you'll practice.
  • During the real insertion step, the Ear Cup Inner Ring will be covered with glue, so it will stick to the Woven Cover.
  • Get a feel for how the Woven Cover stretches, and how the Ear Cup Inner Ring flexes.

Step 3: Apply glue to the Ear Cup Inner Ring

enter image description here

  • Apply a generous amount from your glue stick. Get full coverage.
  • You only have to apply glue to the outside of the Ear Cup Inner Ring.

(!) Step 4: Insert the Ear Cup Inner Ring into the Woven Cover

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  • (!) Aim to insert the Ear Cup Inner Ring about 3mm into the Woven Cover. To clarify, there should be about 3mm of Woven Cover sticking past the Ear Cup Inner Ring after it is fully inserted.
  • The Ear Cup Inner Ring should stick well to the Woven Cover.

Step 5: Align the Ear Cup Inner Ring assembly with the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • (!) Ensure that the Ear Cup Base is flipped to the correct side. Use the photo for reference.

Step 6: Insert the Ear Cup Inner Ring assembly into the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • There is a small circular groove in the Ear Cup Base. This groove accepts the Ear Cup Inner Ring and clamps the Woven Cover to the Ear Cup Base.
  • You will have to gently flex the Ear Cup Inner Ring in order to get it into the Ear Cup Base.

Step 7: Flip the Woven Cover through the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • You'll have to reverse the Woven Cover, as if you're flipping a sock that's inside-out.

Step 8: Place the Ear Cup Foam in place

enter image description here

Step 9: Put the Ear Cup assembly flat onto your work surface

enter image description here

  • This will be the easiest way of stretching the Woven Cover over the Ear Cup Foam in the next step.

Step 10: Stretch the Woven Cover over the Ear Cup Foam and onto the other side of the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • Try to do this without stretching the Woven Cover too much. If you pull too hard, it will slip out from the clamp formed by the Ear Cup Inner Ring.
  • Stretch the Woven Cover evenly. If you don't, the Woven Cover will stretch the Ear Cup Foam in an uneven way.

Step 11: Adjust the Woven Cover so that it is even

enter image description here

  • No matter how accurately you think you performed the previous step, you'll have to adjust Woven Cover.
  • You can pull on the Woven Cover in the way shown in the photo. Again, try not to pull too hard, and make small adjustments at a time.

Step 12: Place the Ear Cup Outer Ring onto the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • Don't press it in quite yet.

Step 13: Press the Ear Cup Outer Ring into the groove on the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • Watch this video on how to insert the ring into the Ear Cup Base.
  • There is a small circular groove in the Ear Cup Base. This groove accepts the Ear Cup Outer Ring and clamps the Woven Cover to the Ear Cup Base.
  • You will have to gently flex the Ear Cup Outer Ring in order to get it into the Ear Cup Base.
  • (!) Make sure that the Woven Cover is clamped down to the Ear Cup Base at every point around the circumference of the Ear Cup Base. You can always redo this step later, but if you do this correctly now, the Woven Cover will probably never come loose from the Ear Cup Base.

Step 14: Orient the Resonator the correct way

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  • The Resonator only fits into the Ear Cup Base one way, but use the photo for reference if it's a bit unclear.

Step 15: Push the Resonator into the Ear Cup Base

enter image description here

  • You will need to use a significant amount of force to push the Resonator into the Ear Cup Base.

Step 16: Repeat the preceding steps for the other Ear Cup

enter image description here

  • Go back to Step 39, and complete all of the steps again, but for the other Ear Cup.
  • (!) Even though you've successfully done each step, you should still read each step completely before starting the step. Don't skip things, and take the time to do things correctly.

Step 17: Prepare to insert the Ear Cup into the Driver

enter image description here

  • The Ear Cup connects to the Driver, and sticks without the need for screws.
  • The next two steps will describe exactly how to connect the Ear Cup to the Driver.

Step 18: Insert the Ear Cup into the Driver

enter image description here

  • (!) The Ear Cup should not require any force to push into the Driver. If there is resistance, rotate the Ear Cup until it slots into the Driver.

Step 19: Rotate the Ear Cup to secure it to the Driver

enter image description here

  • The Ear Cup will connect securely to the Driver after you rotate the Ear Cup a bit. Feel exactly where the "locking" point is; you should be able to feel and hear it as you rotate the Ear Cup.

Step 20: Repeat the preceding steps for the other Ear Cup and Driver

  • Go back to Step 2, and complete all of the steps again, but for the other Ear Cup and Driver.

Celebrate for completing the Ear Cups!

  • You did it! Give yourself a pat on the back and take a breather before continuing.

When you're ready, continue to Part 4: Headband.