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  • This toolbox only assess the order 0 of the southern ocean circulation :

    • ACC
    • Weddell gyre
    • Ross gyre strength
    • Salinity of HSSW
    • Intrusion of CDW in Amundsen sea
    • Intrusion of CDW on East Ross shelf
    • AMOC
    • MHT
    • NWC sst
    • ISF melt
    • NH/SH sea ice extent (summer and winter)
  • Compare simulated metrics with what is called a good-enough simulation (this range is estimated from expert judgements not observation dataset)

Alt text


  • only work on Occigen and irene computer
  • plot should not be used for publication as it is (std and mean value of observation should be corrected if you want to do so)
  • need to find a better method for plotting management (maybe an xml file with all available output) => in dev.


Simplest instalation (maybe not the most optimal)

  • install the CDFTOOLS at v3.0.2-355-g66ce3da :
   git clone
  • ckeckout the VALSO directory
   git clone
  • install python valso environment
  conda env create -f valso.yml 
  • edit PARAM/param_yourcomputer.bash to fit your setup/need

    • path of the toolbox ($EXEPATH)
    • path of the processing directory ($WRKPATH)
    • path of the CDFTOOLS version 4.0 bin drectory ($CDFPATH)
    • create a link toward PARAM/param_arch.bash
  • edit PARAM/param_CONFIG.bash ($CONFIG, $RUNID, $FREQ, $GRID are automatically filled during the run, so they can be used in param_CONFIG.bash). Rename the file with the correct CONFIG name (eORCA025.L121 in my case).

    • path of the mask file ($MSKPATH) and the corresponding mask name ($MSHMSK, $SUBMSK, $ISFMSK and $ISFLST)
    • path of storage location ($STOPATH)
    • template for the file name ($NEMOFILE)
    • edit get_nemofile function to match your output name.
    • edit get_tag function to match your output name.
  • the module required are the one used to compiled the CDFTOOLS and nco


  • define your style for each simulation (file style.db)
  • ./run_all.bash [CONFIG] [YEARB] [YEARE] [FREQ (1y or 1m)] [RUNID list] as example :
./run_all.bash eORCA025.L121 1976 1977 1y OPM006 OPM007

will proceed the year 1976 to 1977 for runid OPM006 and OPM007 of configuration eORCA025.L121

Once this is done and if no error or minor errors (ie for example we ask from 2000 to 2020 but some simulation only span between 2010 and 2020. In this case no data will be built for the period 2000 2009 but error will show up)

you can now build the plot for the Southern Ocean:

  • activate your valso python environment:
   conda activate valso
  • ./run_plot_VALSO.bash [KEY] [FREQ] [RUNID list] as example :
./run_plot_VALSO.bash output_name 1y eORCA025.L121-OPM006 eORCA025.L121-OPM007

The script will look for file with a generic pattern and plot all the available data.

  • You can also run with a similar command VALGLO, VALSI and VALAMU.


  • figure [KEY].png

Other output :

  • all individual time series are saved in FIGURES along with the txt file describing the exact command line done to build it

To add a new diag

  • build a new script in SCRIPT or modify one (for exemple if you want another area for the bottomT time series, update mk_bot.bash to add it) If a new script is added you need also to:
    • add a logical flag in param
    • update Then:
  • build a new run_plot script based on the existing one