I'm traveling and I wanted cheap phone solution that could adapt internationally. I spent a week to look for decent web phone that would fit those criteria ... I try a few which ended up as a huge waste of time. Best I found was skype which is buggy, expensive and is owned by microsoft. Googling around, I found twilio, and spent 3 week-ends (and some evenings) producing pohny-ver and pohny-web. It's pretty funny when you realise that looking for a decent webphone that manage texting and calling is as long a coding it yourself.
Two servers:
twilio-server :: on to handle incoming connection from twilio service, receive /message, /call and get /called. http only. It's possible and recommanded to use https with a signed certificate. (Self signed certicate don't work with twilio :( )
pohny-server :: handle pohny clients like pohny-web and pohny-cli, mostly uses websocket, but also use a bit of http for authentication and to communicate with twilio-server.
- nodejs
- coffeescript
npm install -g coffee-script
- mocha
npm install -g mocha
- Subscribe to a twilio account, get a phone number and configure it
- Setup your twilio number (receive messages and calls):
Voice: POST http://yourdomain.com:3001/called
Message: POST http://yourdomain.com:3001/message
Screenshot: http://puu.sh/pg0t5/e12fcfdfe2.png
- Setup a twilio app (emit calls):
Voice: POST http://yourdomain.com:3001/call
Screenshot: http://puu.sh/pg0FM/d52b1ab64a.png
clone repository on your server, and open folder
Install project dependancies (server-side)
npm install
Compile coffee sources
npm run build
Copy env template to desired environment and fill up variables with your credentials
cp etc/env.sh.dist etc/dev.sh
Source your env (will be used by your server AND your tests)
source ./etc/dev.sh
start your project
npm start
run tests
npm test
Right now only pony-web is availble, check instructions there to install it: https://github.com/pohny/pohny-web
public = public ressources, static content accessible from outside (/path/to/project/public/path/to/something is my.website.com/path/to/something) and contains public resources like the index.php but also the css, js and the images.
src = coffeescript sources
build = compiled js sources
bin = executable scripts
etc = configurations
test = Unit tests, api tests, ...
Contacts: CRUD, list, search, call, and start a sms chat
Conversations: list sorted by date, delete
> send and receive sms with a single contact,
> sms history displayed in a ichat style UI,
> shortcut to call contact you're chatting with
> From anywhere in the app receive a call, then via a popup accept or reject it
> active call are displayed in a stick bar
> dial a number from keyboard (E.164 Number), when line is on pressing [0-9#*] will send the key
- Rewew voice token somehow and check websocket timeout for idle connections
Twilio token for voice features are valid 1 hour only. (Although it's a lot less critical if you use twilio failover to redirect call to voicemail)
- Voice: add history of call(received, sent and missed)
- Voice: add mute
- Voice: add a timer to see how long the chat is.
- improve design for buttons
- Chat: mark message as unsent or sent. This is mostly in rare case where internet would be not stable, or in a case where pohny server or twilio servers will face technical issue.
- Conversation list: add message when no conversation (no data available or something)
- persist database somehow if you're using LocalMapper
(Switching to redis is an easy option, but for that repo I want to keep as few depandancy as possible)
- Cleanup few remaining style attribute in index.html; optimize nyfault.css