This application is a web client phone written in javascript. It's using websocket and a bit of http to communicate with an instance of pohny-server. Phone client manage contacts, conversation (via sms), and calling features.
Some screenshots:
> Add Contact:
> List Contact:
> List Conversations:
> Chat:
> Phone:
- coffeescript ("npm install -g coffee-script")
- install pohny-ver -
- clone pohny web repository and open project folder
- Compile coffee script npm run build
- serve public using any static content provider.
/!\ Note: you have to serve your content under the same domain you're using for pohny-server
public = public ressources, static content accessible from outside (/path/to/project/public/path/to/something is and contains public resources like the index.php but also the css, js and the images.
src = coffeescript sources
build = compiled source