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ShannonSDK is a Software Development Kit designed to facilitate interaction with the POKT Network for developers of both Gateways and sovereign Applications. It streamlines the process of constructing POKT compatible RelayRequests, verifying RelayResponses from RelayMiners, bulding Suppliers co-processors, and abstracting out other protocol-specific details.

To learn more about any of the actors or components mentioned above, please refer to


ShannonSDK encapsulates various structures and a functions necessary for interacting with the Poktroll network. It provides an intuitive interface to manage Sessions, Applications, and RelayRequests.

Key Components

The SDK consists of the following core components:

Component Description
Account Client Handles account-related queries and operations.
Application Client Manages application-related operations and queries.
Application Ring Manages the list of gateways delegations from applications and handling of ring signatures.
Block Client Fetches information about blocks on the network.
Signer Signs relay requests to ensure authenticity and integrity.
Session Client Manages session-related operations.
Relayer Building and validating RelayRequests and RelayResponses.


For a given request, the main workflow for using the ShannonSDK is the following:

  1. Get the current block height.
  2. Get the session corresponding to the block height.
  3. Select a supplier endpoint from those available in the session.
  4. Build a relay request.
  5. Sign the relay request.
  6. Send the relay request to the selected endpoint.
  7. Validate the received relay response.

Get session and endpoint selection

A full example of how to get a Session and select a Supplier Endpoint to send a Relayrequest can be found in the session example test.

Build and Sign Relay Requests

An example of how to build, sign, send a RelayRequest and validate the RelayResponse can be found in the relay example test.

Complete working integration example

The A complete and working example of how to use the ShannonSDK can be found in the AppGateServer implementation in the poktroll repository.

The initialization of the SDK can be found in the pkg/appgateserver/sdkadapter/sdk.go package of the poktroll repository.

ShannonSDK Internals & Design

Code Organization

The SDK is structured into several Go files, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the Poktroll network:

File Name Description
account.go Manages account-related operations.
application.go Handles application-related queries and operations.
block.go Deals with block information retrieval.
relay.go Provides utilities for building and validating relay requests/responses.
session.go Manages session-related operations.
signer.go Handles the signing of relay requests.

Interface Design

The SDK interfaces with functionality from other packages through Go interfaces, following Golang's best practices. For example, the AccountClient struct utilizes the PoktNodeAccountFetcher interface.

For more details on Golang's best practices for interfaces, refer to go official wiki.

ShannonSDK components

Account Client

The AccountClient retrieves account information from the Pocket network. It provides the following method:

Method Name Description
GetPubKeyFromAddress() Retrieves the public key corresponding to a given address.

The AccountClient relies on the PoktNodeAccountFetcher interface, which mandates implementations to fetch account information from the Pocket network.

Refer to account.go for detailed information.

Application Client

The ApplicationClient fetches application information from the Pocket network.

It offers these methods:

Method Name Description
GetApplication() Retrieves application information for a specified application address.
GateAllApplications() Retrieves all available applications on the network.
GetApplicationsDelegatingToGateway() Retrieves applications delegating to the gateway.

The ApplicationClient depends on the poktroll application query client, which provides methods to fetch corresponding information from the Pocket network.

Refer to application.go for detailed information.

Application Ring

The ApplicationRing retrieves delegated gateways from Applications and generates ring signatures from any actor in the ring.

It offers the following method:

Method Name Description
GetRing() Retrieves the ring associated with the application.

The ApplicationRing relies on the PublicKeyFetcher interface, which requires implementations to fetch the public key of the associated application.

Note: The AccountClient implements the PublicKeyFetcher interface and can be used as a default implementation.

Refer to application.go for detailed information.

Block Client

The BlockClient fetches block information (e.g., block height) from the Pocket network.

It provides the following method:

Method Name Description
LatestBlockHeight() Retrieves the latest block height from the network.

The BlockClient depends on the PoktNodeStatusFetcher interface, which requires implementations to fetch the latest block height from the Pocket network.

Refer to block.go for detailed information.

The default implementation uses the CosmosSDK's http.HTTP client to fetch the block height.


The Signer signs RelayRequests to ensure their authenticity and integrity.

It provides the following method:

Method Name Description
Sign() Signs a given RelayRequest using the provided ApplicationRing.

The Signer must set its PrivateKeyHex field to the private key of the associated application or gateway.

Refer to signer.go for detailed information.

Session Client

The SessionClient retrieves Session information from the Pocket network for a specified Application address, Service.Id, and block height.

It provides the following method:

Method Name Description
GetSession() Retrieves session information for a given Application address, Service.Id, and block height.

The SessionClient relies on the PoktNodeSessionFetcher interface, which requires implementations to fetch session information from the Pocket network.

Refer to session.go for detailed information.

Session Filter

To select the best supplier endpoint among available options, the SDK offers a SessionFilter struct that filters out endpoints that do not meet specified criteria.

The SessionFilter requires an assigned Session in its Session field. It supports adding filter functions to its EndpointFilters field to select the best supplier endpoint.

SessionFilter provides the following methods:

Method Name Description
AllEndpoints() Retrieves all Endpoints from the Session, mapped to their respective Supplier addresses, allowing retrieval of all available supplier endpoints and performing custom filtering.
FilteredEndpoints() Retrieves filtered endpoints based on specified filter functions. Returned endpoints must pass all filter functions to be considered valid.

Filtered endpoints adhere to the Endpoint interface, which provides:

Method Name Description
Header() Retrieves the Session header corresponding to the Supplier's endpoint.
Supplier() Retrieves the Supplier address corresponding to the Endpoint.
Endpoint() Retrieves the url.URL of the endpoint.

Refer to session.go for detailed information.


To send a RelayRequest, ShannonSDK exposes the BuildRelayRequest and ValidateRelayResponse functions for building and validating RelayRequests and RelayResponses, respectively.

Function Name Description
BuildRelayRequest() Constructs a RelayRequest to send to the specified Endpoint using a serialized http.Request (body and headers included).

The Endpoint interface provides necessary information (SessionHeader and Supplier endpoint URL) for constructing the RelayRequest. Since the resulting RelayRequest is unsigned, the consumer must sign it (using Signer#Sign) before sending.

SDK consumers can use any suitable HTTP client to send the RelayRequest.

Function Name Description
ValidateRelayResponse() Validates a RelayResponse byte array against the selected Supplier's address.

To fetch the public key of the Supplier's address, an implementation of PublicKeyFetcher must be provided. Successful validation returns the verified RelayResponse, which can then be processed to extract response headers and body.

Refer to relay.go for detailed information.


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