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Apart from any kinds of ProgresHUDs that capture the whole screen and lock the user interaction, Progress provides a more precise and elegant progress indicator. Progress allows you to add any number/kinds of progressor views into each view with only one line of code. The progress indicator can be an arbitrary combination of built-in/custom progressors. Progress helps you provide a fluent user experience in your iOS application.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Progress is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Progress"


Basic usage

// start progress
Prog.start(in: imageView, .blur(.dark), .activityIndicator)

// start progress with call back after animation
Prog.start(in: imageView, .blur(.dark), .activityIndicator) {
	// do something....

// update completion ratio
Prog.update(0.87, in: imageView)

// end progress
Prog.end(in: imageView)

// end progress with call back after animation
Prog.end(in: imageView) {
	// do something....

// dismiss progress
Prog.dismiss(in: imageView)

// dismiss progress with call back after animation
Prog.dismiss(in: imageView) {
	// do something....

end vs. dismiss

Calling Prog.dismiss(in:) simply removes progressors without ending animations. For example, given a progress with .label progressor, Prog.dismiss(in:) only fades out the percentage label while Prog.end(in:) makes the percentage go to 100% and then fades out the label.

Built-in progressor types

  • .sync([ProgressorType])
  • .color(ColorProgressorParameter?)
  • .blur(BlurProgressorParameter?)
  • .activityIndicator
  • .bar(BarProgressorParameter?)
  • .ring(RingProgressorParameter?)
  • .label(LabelProgressorParameter?)
  • .dismissable


public typealias ColorProgressorParameter = UIColor
public let DefaultColorProgressorParameter: ColorProgressorParameter = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.5)

public typealias BlurProgressorParameter = UIBlurEffectStyle
public let DefaultBlurProgressorParameter: BlurProgressorParameter = .light

public typealias BarProgressorParameter = (type: BarProgressorType, side: BarProgressorSide, barColor: UIColor, barHeight: CGFloat)
public let DefaultBarProgressorParameter: BarProgressorParameter = (.proportional, .top,, 2)

public typealias RingProgressorParameter = (type: RingProgressType, color: UIColor, radius: CGFloat,  lineWidth: CGFloat)
public let DefaultRingProgressorParameter: RingProgressorParameter = (.proportional,, 12, 4)

public typealias LabelProgressorParameter = (font: UIFont, color: UIColor)
public let DefaultLabelProgressorParameter: LabelProgressorParameter = (UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14), .black)

Progress can start with multiple progressors in one parent.

  • Since Prog holds strong references to all the ProgressParent and ProgressView, Always call Prog.end(in:)or Prog.dismiss(in:) at the end of progress.
  • Make sure to update/end/dismiss progress after all the animations are done.
Prog.start(in: view, .blur(nil)) {
  // do something
  // ...
  Prog.end(in: self.view)
  // Prog.dismiss(in: self.view)

Synchronous progressor

By default, the progressors will be added and start animation one by one. When ending the progress, the progressors will end animation and be removed in reverse order. The starting and ending animations are executed one after another, i.e asynchronously.

To have a synchronous progress animation, i.e. to execute animations of progressors at the same time, simply wrap the progressorTypes in .sync progressorType

let ringParam: RingProgressorParameter = (.proportional,, 40, 1.5)
let labelParam: LabelProgressorParameter = (UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: UIFontWeightLight),

Prog.start(in: progressParent, .blur(nil), .sync([.ring(ringParam), .label(labelParam)]))

Dismissable progressor

Adding .dismissable progressor allows user to dismiss progress on single tap.

Prog.start(in: progressParent, .blur(nil), .sync([.ring(ringParam), .label(labelParam)]), .dismissable)

Advanced usage


Classes that implement ProgressParent protocol are able to add/remove ProgressView. UIView and UIViewController conform ProgressParent by default.

The default implementation of UIView is to add progressView as subview with 0.2 second fade-in animation. UIViewController simply calls self.view implementations.

Fading duration can be configured by setting Prog.fadingDuration.

Custom progressor

subclass custom progressor view

import Progress

class CustomProgressorView: ProgressorView {
    var label: UILabel = UILabel()
    override func layoutSubviews() {
        label.sizeToFit() = center
    // prepareForProgress is executed before being added to ProgressParent
    override func prepareForProgress(parameter: Any?) {
        label.text = "loading..."
    override func startProgress(parameter: Any?, completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
    	 // some starting animation ...
    	 // always call completion at the end of starting progress
    override func update(progress: Float) {
        // update progress view
        let percent = Int(floor(progress*100))
        label.text = "loading \(percent)% ..."
    override func endProgress(completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 1, animations: {
            self.label.text = "DONE!"
            self.label.transform = self.label.transform.scaledBy(x: 3, y: 3)
        }) { _ in
            // always call completion at the end of ending progress

Ending animation duration

When implementing endProgress(completion:) with animation instead of simply call completion(), it is suggested to have the animation duration proportional to the remaining progress with the maximum value as Prog.maxEndingAnimationDuration. For example, if the progress is ending from 0.6 (60%), the animation duration should be (1-0.6)*Prog.maxEndingAnimationDuration.

The ending animation duration of built-in progressors can be configured by setting Prog.maxEndingAnimationDuration as well.

register custom progressor view

Prog.register(progressor: CustomProgressorView.self, withIdentifier: "custom_example")

use as built-in ones

Prog.start(in: imageView, .customer(identifier: "custom_example", parameter: nil))

The parameter: Any? here will be passed in to

  • progressorView.prepareForProgress(parameter: Any?)
  • progressorView.startProgress(parameter: Any?, completion: @escaping (() -> Void))




Progress is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.