spy and mock for simple testcase
Sinon is the best spy, stub, mock lib, I use it in my every repo.
But Sinon is too big, I just use spy and simple mock, and I think it can be separated to different repo.
So I write Spy
- written in commonjs, support package mananger for browser such as spm, component, bower.
- support spy and simple mock, see API below
$ npm install spy -g
Install for browser
spm install spy
component install popomore/spy
bower install spy
var spy = require('spy');
var s = spy();
s.called // return true
s.callCount // return 1
s.calledWith(1) // return true
mock spy function
var spy = require('spy');
var s = spy();
s(); // return 1
mock module
// a.js
module.exports = function() {}
// b.js
var a = require('spy').require('./a.js');
a.callCount // return 1
Create a anonymous Spy
Create a Spy
function wrapped func
Create a Spy
function wrapped obj.func
function can be used as a normal function, and it will record what the function do.
By default, Spy will pass arguments to original function, get result from the function, and use the same context;
Otherwise, using spy.mock
will call the mock function instead of calling the original function,
The object that contain the refer to the function
spy(obj, 'a'); // obj === spy.obj
The original method
spy(obj, 'a'); // obj.a === spy.method
spy(func); // func === spy.method
spy(); // spy.method is an anonymous function
The method name of the given function
spy(obj, 'a'); // 'a' === spy.method
Return true if the spy function has been called.
Return the count that the spy function has been called.
Contain the call list in order, each call is the Call
spy(); // spy.call[0]
spy(); // spy.call[1]
Mock the return value of the spy
spy(); // return 1
You can do it just like a normal function
spy.mock(function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
// 1. return arg1
// 2. return this
// 3. throw new Error();
Support generator!!!
spy.mock(function* () {
var pkg = yield read('package.json');
return pkg.name;
Reset the call record and the mock method
Restore the refer to the function
In the call sequence, determine whether one spy is called before/after the other.
spy1.calledBefore(spy2); // true
spy2.calledAfter(spy1); // true
Same as call.calledWith, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
, whether one of the calls called with arguments, just likecalls.some(function(call){ return call.calledWith() });
, whether all calls called with arguments, just likecalls.every(function(call){ return call.calledWith() });
, whether all calls didn't call with arguments, just likecalls.every(function(call){ return !call.calledWith() });
Same as spy.calledWithNew, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
The different between always and never see spy.calledWith
Same as spy.calledWithExactly, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
The different between always and never see spy.calledWith
Same as spy.calledOn, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
The different between always and never see spy.calledWith
Same as spy.returned, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
The different between always and never see spy.calledWith
Same as spy.threw, but will match spy.calls in diffent ways.
The different between always and never see spy.calledWith
object will record every function call.
Return true if match the call arguments
spy(1, 2, 3)
spy.calls[0].calldWith(1) // true
spy.calls[0].calldWith(1, 2) // true
spy.calls[0].calldWith(1, 2, 3) // true
Same as calledWith, but assert the arguments length
spy(1, 2, 3)
spy.calls[0].calledWith(1) // false
spy.calls[0].calledWith(1, 2) // false
spy.calls[0].calledWith(1, 2, 3) // true
Return true if it instantiation
new spy()
spy.calls[0].calledWithNew() // true
Return true if it called with the context
spy.calls[0].calledOn(ctx) // true
Return true if get the matched return
function spiedFunc() { return 1; }
var spy = require('spy')(spiedFunc);
spy.calls[0].returned(1) // true
Return true if the function had threw
function spiedFunc() { throw new Error(); }
var spy = require('spy')(spiedFunc);
spy.calls[0].threw() // true
Copyright (c) 2014 popomore. Licensed under the MIT license.