This is a GeoIP plugin for TShock
Well using this plugin is very simple:
- You simply unzip the plugin in to your server's folder
- Then you just have to download GeoIP and GeoIP2 Databases
- Extract the databases in
GeoIP City Database
GeoIP2 City Database
Things you can do with this plugin:
- You can set Country Code as a prefix or suffix for each player by adding %TSGeoIP-CC-Prefix and %TSGeoIP-CC-Suffix to the user's Prefix and Suffix.
- You can setup a region limit for your server.
- You can use the whitelist to allow players to avoid the region limit.
List of commands:
/tsgeoip reload_set
/tsgeoip save_set
/tsgeoip dbmode <geoip/geoip2>
/tsgeoip prefix true|false
/tsgeoip suffix true|false
/tsgeoip prefix_str "({0}) "
/tsgeoip suffix_str " ({0})"
/tsgeoip akl <add/remove> <country code>
/tsgeoip akl_list
/tsgeoip aklw <add/remove> <player name>
/tsgeoip aklw_list